Izabela profile picture



About Me

I am optimistic, try hard to make my dreams come true. Try to be better woman&try to be proud of being Polish.

My Interests

Music, movies, cooking all the stuff. Becaused I travelled a lot I try most of dishes. I do not have the favourite ones, because it depends on my mood. But I tried to cooked two-coloured soup and it was delicious

I'd like to meet:

Robbie Williams, because I found 3 months ago that he is quiet good singer&good writer. His lirics are so nice. :) My friends from London, because I missed them a lot I want to know how they are, but it is not so easy because they live now in diffrent part of the world. If I meet them I will tell them thank you, for the support they give me when I stayed in London. Tom Jones, who I saw in London, Greek Street at the Boardawalk in 1998 ahter, want to say :thank you Tom you are fantastic, you shown to world that you are worth to sign with Robbie, you look super with him on stage. Why you did not wear leather outfit.:) My grandmas&grandapas for many reasons. I want them to be proud of me. Denzel Washington, who I think is very sexy, but I want to check in real life, If not, insted of him it might be George Cloney, I wonder if he really likes his house located near Como lake in Europe. It must be freezing there.:) Bill Gates, to ask him when the engine from the movie "Deja Vu" will be comleted. My friend from my childhood, named Marlena, who died because of drugs I want to warn her, not to do it again because life is beautifull. Man who will go with me for vacations, I can not find proper ones in Poland, Polish men are to simle and I do not have enough time&patience. Simple I am bored with Polish guys. I need comlicated man who will challenge me, so I could find something attractive in him. If you are interesting write to me where you would like to spend your holiday:).


Madonna "Do not cry for me Argentina", Yanii "One Man's Dream", Robbie Williams "Eternity"&"Sexed Up" I listend last night. Quiet nice it makes me to fall asleep easily.


Pretty Woman.Hehehe!!!!Why not!


Friends, Sex&The Cities. But I did not watch all series.Just no time. Sometimes News but not to much because I do not like politics.


Dictionaries of English and French. Book how to cook delicious food for the family. I read checked italian one "Cuicine", to big but thanks God I do not know Italian because it might tame me years to finish it, so I watch only pictures:).


Children go through the illness.