My Reality Online Personal Training Site:
My Comic Training Site for Kids:
This is Jamo Nezzar CEO of , this page is dedicated to my love of comics and original comic art works .
i have been a comic addict since i was 6 years old . At that age my dream was to look like superheros ,i use to read my best friend comics at the time as i never had money to buy any , but he was kind enough to give me his to keep . As I got older the desire grew in me, and I decided to take up bodybuilding and realise my dream eventually to look like Batman and superman and become a top Pro bodybuilder .Moving from Algeria(North Africa) to London gave me the opportunity to get more into comics and start collecting them . I have been a comic collector for 22 years , but one day as i was buying an Ulimate spiderman from Ebay , something happened ......AN OBSESSION STARTED , ALSO A VERY EXPENSIVE HOBBY WAS ABOUT TO BANKRUPT ME !!! I bought my first Original page , I though Wow ,,this is so cool !!!!!!!!! I remember it was a page from Amazing spiderman 384 by Mark Bagley . three years later here Iam chasing the best pages in the bussiness dealing and trading ..
Collecting art work and hanging out with Comic artists is my biggest passion as I have so much respect for them and wished I could draw like them way of getting out of the hectic schedule I Have running is to be able to buy the best pages out there and hang out with my Boys at Onixan.comMy boy the Genius Steven Sanchez , KG (the tadpole!!!) Joe Peckar, Scott shoemaker know what I mean.....My favourite artist are in order : Steven Sanchez ,Ed Benes, Davd Finch ,Jscott campbell, Dale keown,Jim lee, Ian Churchill, Stephen Platt, Roger Cruz, Ed MCguiness, Mark Bagley , Val Pabulos , Chris Bachalo , Joe Madureira, Bart Sears , Deodato , Scott Shoemaker , Michael Turner, and last but not least Whilce Portacio if you have any pages from the Hulk run he did and you want to sell them,,,,I"M YOUR MAN !!!!NOTE :Anyone out there if you have original Covers and Splash Pages from ED BENES JLA and Superman serie for sale please let me know ...thank you JAMO