Blueberry Buddha Recording Studio is a home studio north of Encino in L.A. There's no reason to record anywhere else when you can have the beautiful sound of a commercial studio, the comfort of a home with a garden, and the pricing of Santa Claus.
Email: Ken at Blueberry Buddha Recording Studios
-Beautiful, fantastic recordings.
-Low, low prices.
-Super creative environment.
- Low-stress home environment with a backyard garden.
-You get to say that you recorded music in a studio called "Blueberry Buddha."
- We make backups after each of your recording sessions and store the back-up drive in a fireproof safe.
-I am also a Sp. Ed. Teacher, so I am uniquely qualified to work with musicians.
* Ken is a recording engineer and producer who has written for and EQ Magazine . Ken is also an active participant in Craig Anderton's "SSS" audio forum and worships beautiful, full, warm audio nirvana.
* His innovative recording techniques have been featured in articles in Future Music, New Media and Drum! Magazine.
* Chief Engineer for The Tibet Connection , the First English Language Radio Magazine About Tibet; radio shows air the last Friday of each month on KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles.