22th August 2008 Two new songs posted Kagan has recorded two new songs which are presenting our new sound. These songs will probably take place on the following album "Monuments of Heathen Sorrow". Dates of recording are still unknown, but what we can say for sure is that the album will not be finished soon, as we have planned it to be the best sounding album of Kagan, and we will not hurry. Of course, we will keep you informed about all. ------------------------------- 13th August 2008 New releases incoming During this and following month there should be new releases: - Zemlja Predaka - Winter Solace Productions Tape of Kagan rare tracks not available on other compilations - Slovensko Bojište / Zemlja Predaka - Sword Productions Re-release of debut work and the compilation tracks on CD-r through Sword Productions. ------------------------------- 27th July 2008 - Monuments Of Heathen Sorrow We started to work on our second album which will present a change towards which we are getting to.
"Monuments of Heathen Sorrow" will have two sides. First one will represent the last track we recorded in folk / black genre. Second side is the new sound we are developing. It will be more of combination of various genres we like with still folk elements. Ideology won't change, we only desire to achive the musical evolution which is normal for a band. But change of sound will be big, as we no longer feel that sound we played is a bit of the road. But we still promisse to people that liked our folk part of sound, that we won't leave them disapointed. The goal of promoting our ideology is most important. We only now aim for larger masses. Let heathen voice be heard. In next few days we should finish composing whole material. Four old songs were composed, and new ones are being composed. Inspired by bands like Nokturnal Mortum, Ashen Light and Graveland and Slavic heathen belifs, Vandalicum came to idea to form a band that will play heathen folk metal, strongly influenced by black metal sound and atmosphere. The band was formed in 2006 with keyboard player Nocturno, and named Hesperus. Independor joined soon.
In 2007 band changed the name into Kagan and line up was changed also, only Vandalicum and Independor stayed. After first recordings, band collected all of recorded songs into, so to call, compilation, Slovensko bojiste, which was officialy distributed by Frostscald records, on MC format.
In the end of 2007/beginning of 2008 band recorded Price sa Alatira, first full-length album (released by Pannonian Winds Production in 2008 on MC format), and songs for split with Drakonian age, Sonn av Skogen and Wolforder (soon to be released by Satanhades) on which we had female vocalist Jelena.
In the spring of 2008, band recorded promo “Sign from the sky”, which had a good critics among the listeners, as this is for the first time we got the sound we wanted.
Band continues with composing new songs, and preparing new album called: ”Monuments of Heathen Sorrow”. It will be totally new sound of Kagan, still creating the same atmosphere of Slavic heathen wisdom, but this time it will be more melancholic, more natural and atmospheric, on the one hand, but bringing the most aggressive and brutal parts, on the other. It will take time to record it properly, because we are preparing something what folk metal scene has never saw before, so we must enter the professional studio, as our new sound needs a good production. Also, we will not hurry with composing and recording as we did on our previous works. The result is what is important and we promise we will take care that all of our listeners feel the atmosphere of Slavic heathenism and enjoy in it. As there are many speculations about our new sound, we will try to make it closer to you for understanding. Our new sound could be described as this: unite the atmosphere of coldest winter with summer sun by walking the path of autumn, thinking of spring… Expect only the unexpected… Written by Vandalicum in August of 7016th year of Svarog's circle
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