more than anything else I am addicted to electronic beatz & livestyle ++ I spend lots of time with using information technologie & technical as well as social networking +++ last but not least I luv my family & friends and to be with them +++
Everyone around the world who get s in
touch with my mind, my body or my soul +++View AllFriends | View Blog | View Pics| AddComment
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Gabriel Ananda, Adam Beyer, Oliver Huntemann, Sharam Jay, Leif Hatfield, Oliver Koletzki, James Holden, Yves Bash, Alex Simon, Vitalic, John Acquaviva, all that GIGOLOS out there, Kiki, Aaron Silbermann, X-Dream, Tocadisco, Sylvie Marks, Switch, Boris Dlugosh, Dave Seaman, Dominik Eulberg, Miss Kittin + The Hacker, Johannes Heil, Markus Redux, Nathan Fake, Sebastian Ingrosso, Oxia, Ivan Smagghe, Pascal FEOS, Tomcraft, D-Nox, Anthony Rother, Karotte, Los Dies, Oxia, Gui Boratto, Marc Houle, Alter Ego, Blackstrobe, Chemical Brothers, Neroman, Egoexpress, David Caretta, Richard Bartz
Pulp Fiction, Fear and loathing in Las Vegas, Kill Bill, Waechter der Nacht, 300, Saw 1-3, Schweigen der Laemmer, Cube 1+2, Matrix Trilogy, Clockwork Orange, Event Horizon
sometimes when I need voices or moving pictures to fall asleep I let myself drift into television, but I mostly come along without that mindfuckin public television network!
Cosmic Trigger ROBERT ANTON WILSON, Schroedingers Katze ROBERT ANTON WILSON, Magick ALEISTER CROWLEY, Book of lies ALEISTER CROWLEY, Neuromancer WILLIAM GIBSON, Mona Lisa Overdrive WILLIAM GIBSON, LSD Mein Sorgenkind ALBERT HOFFMANN, Trainspotting IRVINE WELSH, Klebstoff IRVINE WELSH, Antichrist FFRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE, Der Pfad des friedvollen Kriegers DAN MILLMAN
me, myself, and I