Sheyne profile picture


DJ, Producer, Housefloor, Geyser Recordings

About Me

Music was for Sheyne always a subject. Indeed, however, earlier things like football were even more important. This changed at the age of 16 than he first got in touch with a turntable. Before that he already tried himself as a rapper and producer. Then from the black horse has not been left, however, any more a lot. Write except the texts and the love to the music. After a project with a friendly DJ Sheyne found his appeal in the electronical music. Now thus he shown himself already for many years also numerous own pieces in those he over and over again anew increased and sat down new graduations. He would describe his style as a mix of House, Electro and a Minimal Groove in the back. Meanwhile he can also register the first release on Geyser Recordings. In summer, 2007 the Cologne Sublabel "Geyser Tech Recordings" was founded by Sheyne and labelhead Riad Michael which should offer to artists in the little mashes Techno, Electro, House as well as Minimal. The label should be a platform for their own productions and vision of their music as well as for other artists. The first releases will also not keep waiting any more longer. Furthermore Sheyne writes Reviews, interviews etc. for housefloor webmag and became a member of the Spacelounge Bookings Agency (SAMBA). He processes inquiries as well as Reviews under In his sets you can also find this special and powerful mix of different Styles which he brings together to something very new.For bookings please check this link: folks, our digital compilations Various Artists - Effusion 1/2 are available now at as well! ------------------------------------------------------------ REVIEWES ON HOUSEFLOOR.COM

My Interests


Member Since: 6/14/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Members:Sheyne Cruk Housefloor Spacelounge Geyser
Influences: take a look @ my charts in my blog!
Sounds Like: "klicki klacker" in sheyne style... contact me under [email protected] im Mandalai

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Record Label: geyser, geysertech and geysertronica
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


EIN SIEG MUSS HER!! aus diesem Grund werde ich mich nächste woche persönlich mit auf den Weg nach Essen machen, um die Mannschaft zu unterstützen und die ersten 3 Punkte nach langer Zeit ma wieder na...
Posted by Sheyne on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 09:45:00 PST

first listening to effusion 3

just listened to the quite finished effusion 3... if you liked the first effusion this would be something for you! full packed with emotional tracks that goes through heart and soul.  after the...
Posted by Sheyne on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 06:16:00 PST

November Charts

1. Matthias Schaffhäuser - Gott ist tot (ware) 2. SLG - Earthworm (Trapez) 3. Gustavo Bravetti - Greece 3000 4. GusGus - Need In Me / Jan Driver Remix (Pineaplle) 5. Sheyne - Shadow (GTR) 6. Markus La...
Posted by Sheyne on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 02:08:00 PST

Upcoming Geyser Releases

Upcoming releases Aktuelle Stimmung: zuversichtlich Kategorie: Music Nov/Dec 2007: V.A. - Effusion 3 Jan/Feb 2008: V.A. - Geyser Tech Vol. 1 [Geyser Tech Recordings] Mar/Apr 2008: V.A. - Geyser Do...
Posted by Sheyne on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 01:52:00 PST

Monday Upload

Monday in my player... Musaic ... with the waves like "das lied das ich schrieb" and a crazy bassline like "shadow"   here i tried something new and wanted to make a follow up to "das lied das ...
Posted by Sheyne on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 04:01:00 PST

Anno Bergmann - Thats Design EP

anno bergmannthat's design mit that's design" präsentiert das kölner label geyser recordings fünf gefühlvolle electro-pop-tracks von anno bergmann auf einer cd-ep.wie vielseitig der video-künstle...
Posted by Sheyne on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 12:43:00 PST


Everything will be spinning when Sheyne & The Spinning 9 come together to put both styles into one new Style. Electronic Vibes wille meet perfect battle rap from Wuppertal (Germany). The Spinning ...
Posted by Sheyne on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 12:05:00 PST


Ein Projekt zweier Künstler mit zwei völlig unterschiedlichen Musikrichtung suchten sich und haben sich gefunden um etwas neues auf die Beine zu stellen. Es ist das Aufeinandertreffen zweier Städte di...
Posted by Sheyne on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:44:00 PST

Oktober Charts

1. Lucio & Pep - WoeBetideYou (Ware) 2. Bukaddor & Fishbeck - Campus (MBF) 3. Alexander Carbo - Aquarius (ETUI Records) 4. Super Flu - Momratzn (Traum) 5. Tomcraft & Republica - Ready to g...
Posted by Sheyne on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 11:46:00 PST


Heute Morgen erwachte ich ca um viertel vor zehn um mich für die Heimreise mit der BAHN vorzubereiten. Ich wäre gerne schon um 11 gefahren doch da es zeitlich nicht ganz passte wurde daraus schließlic...
Posted by Sheyne on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 12:48:00 PST