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Dj Simona Gee

Simona Gee - Official Myspace Music Page

About Me

Simona Gee DJ ( )is in the musical italian scene since first nineties winning a dj contest andtaking part, with an excellent place, at the important dj competition "D.M.C.".
She soon distinguishes herself at the consolle for her personal dj-sets and lovefor new sound brings her to continuous search of musical contaminations alwaysin step with times and fashions.
She plays hard house, electro and deep tech
She has been guest in many clubs transmitting positive vibrations and very goodmusical selections.
On her artistic way she feels the wish "to create" music besides propose it andfrom consolle to recording room the step is short and she begins to collaboratefor various productions.
Her road crosses quickly the Italian frontiers and passing through Switzerlandarrives in UK, where she begins to appear as special guest and to collaboratewith important production teams, up to meet F.C.Hackett, charismatic americansinger with a powerful and scratching voice, with which she decides to producehis efficacious single "I Have A Dream".
Her release house-electro "Deja vu" created with Max Riolo & the label AudioBit is a single track with four remixes. The support are cd and digital, for shop: Junodownload, Junorecords, Goody Music.The last production is a RE-DUB version of the project "Fuzzy Hair - Be Free" available now on Beatport.
Simona Gee DJ e'sulla scena musicale italiana fin dai primi anni novanta vincendo una gara perdj e partecipando, con ottimo piazzamento, all'importante dj competition "D.M.C".
Si distingue subito in consolle per i suoi personali dj-sets e l’amore per ilnew sound la porta alla continua ricerca di contaminazioni musicali sempre alpasso con i tempi e le mode.
Suona hard house, electro e deep tech
E’ stata ospitata in molti clubs trasmettendo vibrazioni positive e ottimeselezioni musicali.
Durante il suo percorso artistico avverte il desiderio di “creare” la musicaoltre che proporla e dalla consolle allo studio di registrazione il passo e'breve ed inizia a collaborare per svariate produzioni.
La sua strada valica ben presto i confini italiani ed attraversando la Svizzeragiunge in UK, dove inizia a comparire come special guest ed a collaborare conimportanti team di produzione, fino ad incontrare F.C.Hackett, carismaticocantante americano dalla voce possente e graffiante, col quale decide diprodurre il singolo "I Have A Dream".
In aprile 2007 la sua ultima produzione electro-house "Deja vu" uscita su Audiobit, è stata super scaricata su Junodownload, Junorecords e Goody Music.Uscita in maggio 2008 una versione RE-DUB house progressive del progetto "Fuzzy Hair - Be Free" da ora acquistabile su

My Interests


Member Since: 1/5/2007
Band Members:

Listen SIMONA GEE dj set june 2008

* Syke'n Sugarstarr pr. Ce Ce Rogers- No Love Lost (G.Antapesh)
* Oliver Klein And Peter Juergens - Scoville
* Robot Man - Ready For This (Michael Gray)
* Fuzzy Hair - Be Free (Fuzzy & Simona Gee Re Dub)
* DjAntoine - Revolution (FuzzyHair)
* Wally Lopez, R.Amesz, P.Gelderblom - Strike Me Down (Pedro & Stephan M)
* Simona Gee Vs Max Riolo - Déjà-vu (Vinjay)
* Montana Express & Thomas Gold - To My Beat (Dub)


Sounds Like:

Record Label: Indie
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Winner of Combocut contest & the tour 2008 with MTV

Simona Gee is the winner of COMBO CUT ONLINE EDITION 2008 Now the COMBO tour 2008
Posted by Dj Simona Gee on Fri, 16 May 2008 07:12:00 PST

Essential Move compilation

Posted by Dj Simona Gee on Mon, 12 May 2008 07:58:00 PST

"Simona Gee vs. Max Riolo - Déja vu" on air su M2O

Posted by Dj Simona Gee on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 08:57:00 PST