drummin' jammin' rockin' jazzin' funkin' swingin' dancin' livin' lovin' eatin' sleepin' readin' sewin' drawin' and long walks on the beach
do YOU like to rock?
drums, guitar, bass, keys, piano, organ, mouth, voice, throat, woodwind section, horn section, percussion section, rythmn section, orchestra pit, mosh pit, centre stage, backstage, on stage, all-ages, radio, internet, movies, outside, inside, quiet , loud, constant, never, rests, beats, up for the down stroke, everything on the one, on the backbeat, on the off beat, electric, acoustic, classic, classical, modern, futuristic..... The Liminals, Loose Booty, Black Rice, (once or twice--Panurge, All-Purpose, Random Order, Diga, Catlow, Anemones, the Doers, Sandy Pringle), Evol-Hearted, Twelve Year Old Girl, Huge Manatease, Bloody Wilma, The Red Alerts! Leela Gilday.... did i forget anyone? OH--and it's also safe to say that i'm just as much influenced by music that i don't like as music that i really like.
as long as they're totally unrealistic and/or fantastic
i'd rather gouge my eyes out with a spoon
books, books books, books, books, books, books and Heavy Metal (cartoon porn! yessss.) uhh..China Mieville? unsung genius? Neil Gaiman, American Gods-so good i read it in twice in a row
my amazing friends, (and my folks.) and all the people who unabashedly and shamelessly pursue their dreams