I am currently in the studio recording and co-producing my forthcoming as of yet untitled album. The new songs posted are not yet 'Mastered' but I couldn't wait to get them up! 8 of the 11 songs are now complete and I'm hoping to have it released by early December. Arranging & Producing with my good friend and brotha Jamie " Preme Diesel" Kuse...has been nothing short of awesome! The ideas flow like water and every session is fun and productive. We've also brought in a parade of super talented backing players from Chris Chok on Piano, Jim Kwan on Hammond Organ, to the incredible Aileen de la Cruz on Backing Vocals. I'm very proud to share just a small part of what I consider to be...my Masterpiece album. Please feel free to send me your comments...or if you would like to be notified when the album is complete.About Scott:
I’ve been playing guitar and writing songs since the age of 13.
Throughout my teenage years I spent countless hours busking in the
Toronto subways, out on Yonge Street, or just hangin' out, jambing
with friends. I love concerts and I've seen hundreds over the years.
Some of the greatest ones include Pearl Jam, U2, Big Sugar, Sting, Stevie Ray Vaughan, David Bowie, Bob Dylan, Eagles, The Stones and Pink Floyd- 3 times! They can be inspirational to say the least!I love my wife Heather, my son Max, my dog Cash, my guitars and my 1950 Ford F1 Pick-Up named Grace.Making music is ‘The Shit’….although traveling is a close second.
I love writing and performing and nothing feels as good as blowing
them away and riding that wave on stage!Please check back...
Until then "Live for the Moment! " Peace....Scott
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