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Checkout www.lovebodybuilding.usana.com.... Real confidence comes not from taking all you can, but f

About Me

Real confidence comes not from taking all you can, but from giving the best you have. My name is Christopher Hubbard aka "Rafiki". I'm a hard working, 6'0, (1.83m), 195lb (88kg), 33w, Athletic Build, Bald Head, Smooth, Black male with a lot of hopes and dreams. I love writing poetry, Sharing Inspirational Words with others, i.e.(Step outside of the world you know, and keep on finding new worlds to explore. Right now, there is something you can do to make a positive difference in your world. Instead of just speculating about it or wishing for it, go ahead and do it. Positive, effective action is what changes things. And you're fully capable of taking those actions that will bring your highest visions to life. Avoiding, delaying and making excuses will just waste time and produce regrets. The time has come to take action. Until you take decisive, committed action, your problems will continue to hound you and your dreams will continue to elude you. Get moving now, and your actions will surely begin to bring those dreams to life. You are designed from the inside out for meaningful achievement. Go ahead and feel the delightful satisfaction of doing what you are meant to do. Get busy, take action, and make it happen. Life's best possibilities are yours to fulfill), Working Out, the Sport of Bodybuilding (MY PASSION AND LOVE), Reading, Music, and the theater. I love meeting new and exciting people, who have something positive to offer, and FINDING LOVE WITH A STRONG FOUNDATION. Helping those less fortunate than I, Helping and Informing people that I come in contact with, the importance of staying healthy, a caregiver for my family members, & spending time with my friends. If I can make a difference in one person’s life today, then I must be doing something right. I let life come to me with whatever it brings, and I found it bringing more value than I could ever desire. Those dreams that fill me with joy are no mere illusions, they are truly who I am and what I can be, if I let nothing or no one stands in my way... Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!My Website is: www.4life4health4u.usana.com...Together we can make a differenceNO PAIN, NO GAIN....I BELIEVE IN A LIFESTYLE FOR THE STRONG** A LIFE STYLE OF BODYBUILDING

Add to My Profile | More VideosTOO ALL MY FRIENDS.................... This moment has a beauty all its own. Look carefully and lovingly, and the real value of this moment is yours. Instead of thinking ahead to what might or might not come next, pay attention to the richness of what is now. Instead of re-fighting past battles in your mind, open yourself to the treasure that is in front of you. A miracle is unfolding right before your eyes. In the big picture and in the smallest of details, this very moment holds everything you could possibly need or desire. This moment does not care how old you are, how much money you have, or what your hair looks like. Its treasures and possibilities are yours to experience no matter what. Everything is as it is right now, and there is an immeasurable sense of peace in letting it be. Freely give your love and joy and meaning to this moment and travel along in the growing richness of being. Think of how truly fortunate you are to be here and now. Live that good fortune with all that you are.......
************Mother...R.I.P.(7/09/38-10/14/07)**************I N MEMORY OF MY MOTHER, MY ANGEL........................... (You fought Cancer as long as you could and now you are no longer suffering) Somewhere in my dreams I always see you standing near me You look at me with a loving smile Saying to me… “Son, Life isn’t always fair” But through it all, You told me that you were chosen for His garden His treasured hand picked bouquet of flowers. You whispered to me “God really needed me, son that’s why I must go” I want you to know son, It is said to be that angels are sent from the most high. Contemplating on what you said. Mother, deep down inside, I’ve always knew I had my angel in you - whose heart was filled with warmth and unconditional love Sitting with my sisters, your nephew, niece and your adopted children, we found some old photographs and articles tucked away. It let us see your smiling face once again, the love in your eyes and all of your achievements. As we felt your presence around us, we were overcome with a warm feeling and all of a sudden our hearts remembered the love that you shared with us and the many things you taught us. Wherever the ocean meets the sky there will be memories of you and me. When I look up at that sky and see the beauty of God I will always see visions of you I remember who you used to be the laughter, the scolding’s, especially your quick left hand, YOUR SLIPPER, and the private talks we shared, and Mother, I wonder what you are doing right now. Are you singing, directing that Majestic Heavenly Choir, or just watching the cooking channel? Where did you go, when your spirit left your body behind? While Daddy watched you go for just your reward and your spirit was released to fly? Now I know what it means to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. I miss you being here, yes it still hurts, and I don’t know if this emptiness will ever go but I feel your presence all around me and in all that I do, and in whatever form you choose to take. Your spirit has become a big part of me now; my strength, my purpose, my inspiration and my guardian angel on high; guiding, advising, and watching over me. Mother, I will always remember you. Mother, I will miss you deeply. But I know that you were on loan to me and You belong to the Father above. I want you to know that I will always love you. “While there’s still breath and a heart in me, Mother, you will be a part of me.” ..................Love Your Son'07.........................

MySpace Comments
What you seek is also seeking you, for you can provide it with a joyful living expression. Allow yourself to savor the exquisite joy in the very best of those possibilities. Let all the value and goodness that is yours to live, find a home in your life right now." Every corner of your world, every moment of your time, every person and pursuit and passion in your life all matter. The time you spend playing has just as much influence as the time you spend working, for it all affects the whole person you are.If you can't bring yourself to be positive about the big things, then be positive about the little things. That's easy enough to do, and it can make a surprisingly significant difference. You're not going to solve the world's major problems before bedtime. And yet, you can surely make a little positive progress in your own way, and that can be a big help. The little annoyances, distractions, challenges and difficulties in your world may seem minor when viewed separately. However, they can all add up to create a major negative drag on your life. You can easily choose to rid yourself of those little negative influences, one by one. Before long, the positive effect will be dramatic. If you spend the next few minutes doing nothing except worrying about your problems, you'll just end up even more anxious and worried. If, instead, you spend that same five minutes to overcome a relatively minor problem, you'll end up feeling a little more empowered and in control of your own destiny. A little bit of success will motivate and inspire you, like nothing else can, to create a little more success, again and again. Soon, you'll discover that those little successes are adding up to a life of big and meaningful achievement.Let go of your criticisms about how things should have been, and you'll see the magnificent possibilities of now. Let go of your worries about what might be, and you'll be able to focus on all you can do right now. Stop putting your energy into making excuses and use that energy to take action. Quit fretting over getting it perfect and put your focus on being effective. You have now arrived at a unique moment that is filled with countless possibilities. You can make something truly valuable out of it. You have the real and powerful ability to imagine, and then to put that imagination into action. You can call together all you've experienced, and everything that is most meaningful to you, and to create from it all your very own gifts to life. There is abundance all around you, and with a little focused, determined effort that abundance is yours to enjoy. Choose to connect with the best within you, to make that effort, and to live with true richness. Get up, get inspired, get moving and get involved in making a positive difference. This is your moment to come fully to life.My Adopted Son...(I am so Proud of him) My idols, great inspirations and a great group of guys that I have been blessed to meet. A true inspiration and great person/friend, that it was a true blessing to be able to meet and to get some words of wisdom from.(My Website is: www.4life4health4u.usana.com...Together we can make a difference)*..
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My Interests

Do you dream of a world free from pain and suffering? Do you dream of a world free from disease? Maybe you or someone you know suffers from HIGH CHOLESTEROL, HIV, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, DIABETES, CHRONIC FATIGUE, OBESITY, LUPUS, ARTHRITIS, or any other DEGENERATIVE DISEASES, if so, then let me help you to love life more, and live it to its fullest in happiness and in health. Just as I was blessed, I want you to be blessed. (HealthPak 100 is for major Degenerative Diseases)I want to spread the word on how to achieve better health. This applies to everyone, whether it is someone who wants to lose weight, someone suffering from other health problems or even someone who wants to maintain their already great health. Nobody's health is perfect, so I'm hoping to help everyone move a little bit closer to a better you. MY WEBSITE IS www.4life4health4u.usana.com....Christopher E. Hubbard, Independent Associate For Adults who just want to maintain good health For Teenagers to maintain Good Health For Younger Children to maintain Good Health Reset (Weight Lost and Cleansing Your Body)Virtually all chronic degenerative diseases that plague today's world are caused or exacerbated by the deterioration of the modern diet. MACRO-OPTIMIZERS were developed to provide great-tasting, high-quality macronutrients your body needs to maintain health and feel great. These convenient foods can be used along with the ESSENTIALS™ and OPTIMIZERS to complete your healthy diet. Many MACRO-OPTIMIZER foods contain beneficial ingredients like dietary fiber, soy protein, and potassium - ingredients that may help prevent cancer, heart disease, and hypertension. New MACRO-OPTIMIZERS are a healthy source of complex carbohydrates, complete proteins, and beneficial fats. SOYAMAX™, based on highquality soy protein, provides complete and balanced amino acids. And some MACRO-OPTIMIZERS, such as FIBERGY® and Iced Lemon FIBERGY BARS™, are low-fat, high-fiber foods. Proper Skin CareUSANA Health Sciences has become one of America's leading companies in the field of health and nutrition. The two main reasons are: (1) a superior product line that you can always trust, and (2) an innovative network marketing program that amply rewards both the average and ambitious Distributor. Company founder Myron Wentz, Ph.D., is a world-renowned pioneer in cell-culture technology. In the early 70s, he founded Gull Laboratories, which soon became the world's leading producer of commercially-available diagnostic test kits for viruses.While Gull played a critical role in the world health arena, Dr. Wentz always felt that disease prevention was as important as detection. He and other scientists were finding that our environment, lifestyle, and diet factors were continually eroding our health. One of the most significant research findings has been the value of antioxidants in countering the negative effect of "free radicals" in the human body. Free radicals are believed to be the cause of many degenerative diseases, and spawn from a variety of factors including pollution, high-fat diets, lack of exercise, and smoking. Today, USANA's products are on the leading edge of providing adequate cell-level nutrition, fiber, and antioxidant protection for our bodies. Dr. Wentz is applying the same level of scientific expertise, technical brilliance, and dedication he employed in pioneering viral diagnostics to create breakthrough approaches to nutritional wellness.Today, we live too short and die too long! Stop turning your health over to the lowest bidder! Place your trust in a scientist and a research Organization that is dedicated to providing Optimal nutrition for you and your family!
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USANAs' nutritional supplements can help deliver the essential nutrients that are missing from many of our diets today. USANA nutritional products are designed to provide a complete and balanced spectrum of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants to help compensate for poor nutrition and to counteract free-radical damage, which are unstable molecules that damage normal body tissues as they try to become stable. These supplements are designed to complement a healthy lifestyle and supply advanced levels of essential nutrients that are need to maintain a lifetime of good health.To fully know and appreciate the place where you are, you must go someplace else and then return. To increase your understanding, you must challenge and question what you think you know. Your perspective gains much value when you consider it from the viewpoint of another perspective. Those who are willingly, respectfully, and thoughtfully entertain skeptics, become the most authentic, passionate, and convincing believers. The value of what you know depends on being aware of what you do not know. Learning arises from the acceptance of your ignorance.
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To strengthen your beliefs and assumptions, challenge them regularly. You'll rid yourself of those outdated assumptions that hold you back, while at the same time strengthening those valuable beliefs that can move you forward. There is no doubt that challenge builds strength. It is a key theme of life. Muscles that are challenged to lift heavier and heavier loads become stronger as a result of the training. Minds that are challenged to solve more and more difficult problems become increasingly adept from the experience. Questioning and challenging your beliefs can transform them from mere beliefs into absolute certainties. The willingness to challenge a belief demonstrates your commitment to, and confidence in that belief. By being your own most effective skeptic, you add real depth and substance to your beliefs, perspectives and assumptions. By continuing to ask why and why not, you learn much and grow stronger. When you challenge your beliefs, you compel yourself to make them a reality. You transform them from vague concepts into living, breathing certainties upon which you can build great value.Find joy in doing nothing and you can find it in everything. Experience happiness without a reason and you can create happiness for any reason. Realize that happiness is not the result of good things, but is indeed the cause of good things. There is nothing you need in order to be happy other than the choice to be. Imagine living this day filled with joy, happiness and positive purpose. Imagine it, then take one more step and actually do it. Let go of any concern you may have for what does or does not come your way. Focus instead on the good and valuable things that you can give, create, inspire and choose to experience. Don't allow the world to pull you down with its negativity. Choose to transform the world around you with your own positive outlook. Real joy is always a choice you can make. Live with joy, let happiness flow out from you, and life becomes more radiant with each passing moment.There's a simple, easy step you can take that will exert a positive, powerful influence in a variety of situations. That simple act is a genuine smile from the heart. Smile, and not only does it improve your appearance, it improves all of you. Smile, and you cannot avoid being more positive toward life. Smile as you speak and your voice will be more confident, enthusiastic and convincing. Even when you're talking over the phone and the person at the other end can't see you, a smile adds noticeable value to the conversation. Give a smile to others, and you instantly improve the quality of each encounter. Smile to yourself, and new positive possibilities come clearly into view. A smile costs you nothing, and yet it can bring so very much. Take a look around, and you'll see that the most successful and fulfilled people are those who smile the most. Even when you can't think of a reason to smile, smile anyway. Smile and you'll surely create plenty of good reasons.
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I'd like to meet:

People that are positive, goal oriented, determined, focused, and are or what to help improve life and those lives of people that they come in contact with each day of their lives.Building your life ..... Every thought you think, builds your character. Just as bricks are laid, one on top of another, to build a house, so do your thoughts build on each other, moment by moment. The person you become, the things you accomplish, the joy and fulfillment you find, all depend on the thoughts you use to build your life. Every thought, every moment, can be used to build a stronger you. No achievement of any value can just suddenly appear. It must be built. You have the power to build the exact life you want. And that power comes in the moments you live, in the choices you make, in the actions you take.Right now you are building your life. Right now, you are making a difference in the course your life will take. This is a golden moment with the power to change your future. Are you making the most of it?
The Turning Point…… Your troubles can sometimes be your greatest blessings. Because those troubles will hound you relentlessly until you make valuable improvements. Your troubles help you to see and understand your weaknesses. And that enables you to start transforming those weaknesses into strengths. The best way to respond to trouble is not to curse it, but to do it one better. See each challenge as an opportunity to raise yourself to a higher level. As with everything else, your troubles are what you make of them. You can choose to make each one a turning point to a more positive and fulfilled life. Many of history's greatest accomplishments were responses to terribly difficult problems. Many of your own greatest advances have been in response to challenging situations. Choose to find the positive possibilities in everything that comes your way. And no problems will ever be able to hold you back. Moving Forward…. You may not get it right on the first attempt. Do it anyway, and you'll soon figure it out. People are likely to come up with all sorts of reasons why it will never work. Work on it anyway, and commit yourself to handling each challenge as it comes. Something unexpected will probably happen, in your life, in your industry, or in the world at large, that will cause many of your assumptions to be incorrect. Move forward anyway, because you are perfectly capable of adjusting to changing conditions. It's possible that you won't get the results you expected. Learn from the results you do get, and with your newfound knowledge you'll discover ways to achieve even better results than you first expected. There is no good reason to deny yourself the opportunity to accomplish whatever you choose to accomplish. Life is about making a difference, and you will never run out of ways to do that. Whatever has happened, whatever they say, whatever the state of the weather or the economy may be, move forward anyway. Life is what you choose to make it.


The trivial annoyances, even though they are virtually meaningless, can overwhelm you if you let them. Choose not to let them. Be diligent about the things that truly matter, and be very flexible about the things that don't. There's no sense in wasting your precious time arguing or agonizing about something that doesn't really make a difference anyway.Learn to let go, and to rise above the petty squabbles. You'll end up with much more time and energy available to work on the really important things. Instead of carrying around your frustrations like so many trophies, choose to leave all the small, insignificant ones behind. You won't impress anyone by constantly complaining, and it won't add value to your life, so let it go. You have much more meaningful and important issues upon which to focus your time and energy. Spend your moments truly living. Get in the habit of letting go of the small, meaningless matters. And delight in the freedom, effectiveness and peace that you create for your life. R & B; New and Old School, Jazz, Classical,Gospel,Hip Hop, Underground, Rap, and Rock and Roll.
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Any movies by Tyler Perry, 300, Roots, Pursuit of Happiness, Departed, Horror. Dreamgirls, Hitch, Chronicle of Riddick, The Manchurian Candidate, Medea's Family Reunion, XXX, The Pacifier, A Man Apart, The Wiz, Shaft, White Chicks, Are We There Yet? Last Holiday, The Gospel, I can do bad all by myself, Taxi, Purple Rain, anything with Angela Bassett, Set it Off, Beauty Shop, Bringing Down the House, The Queen, Soul Food, movies with Jamie Foxx, Glory, Imitation of Life, and any old black and white movies between 40'-60's. Beyond the mistakes... Every mistake you've ever made is now behind you. You've learned something from each of them. Though some may have been painful, though some may have brought considerable hardship, you have now moved on past them. Those mistakes did not stop you. They may have caused some delays or forced you to take some unexpected detours. You're probably still paying the price for some of them. Even so, you're still here. You've made progress. And the mistakes have even contributed to that progress. As you move on ahead, there will be more mistakes. And you'll survive them, too. In fact, you'll do more than survive. You'll learn and grow as a result of those mistakes. Even though you won't make them willingly, when they do happen you'll find a way to learn from them and then move on ahead with more wisdom, experience and determination than ever. When you make mistakes, it means you're making the attempt. When you're successfully moving past those mistakes, learning what they have to teach, then you're headed directly for achievement. The only way your mistakes will stop you is if you begin to fear them. When you're willing to make some mistakes, and then to move on anyway, then you're moving yourself toward certain success...... Past and future... What if the past existed only in your memory, and you could do with it whatever you wanted to do? It would only be able to hold you back if you allowed it to do so. And what if the future existed only in your imagination? You could do with it whatever you wanted to do. You wouldn't have to fear anything in the future. You wouldn't have to worry about anything or be apprehensive about anything in that future. Guess what? That's exactly the way it is. The past does exist solely in your memory and the future exists only in your imagination. You can take from the past precisely what you decide to take. And you can put into the future only what you decide to put there. The past and the future are in your mind and under your control. And also under your control is what you do right now. So take the best from your past and make use of it right now. You've already moved away from every disappointment you've ever experienced. Keep moving positively ahead. Imagine a bright and positive future because it's yours to imagine in any way you wish. And use right now to start making it happen A new day..... What has happened has happened. If you've had a difficult day, or month, or year, it does no good to dwell on your unfortunate experiences. Move on past them. Avoid the temptation to feel sorry for yourself or to enlist the pity of others. Your troubles are in the past so there is no reason whatsoever for dismay. Get up and get going. The future is completely open and filled with an unlimited supply of positive possibilities. Today is a new day and you are fortunate enough to be living it. Furthermore, you can decide precisely how to live this day. You can determine what will become of it. Don't look backward with regret or contempt. Look forward with gratitude and excitement. Your attitude right now matters more than anything that could have ever happened in the past. Forget about making excuses. Focus on making a difference. Every bit of negativity you've ever experienced is now in the past. Do yourself a big favor and leave it there.


Old Comedies, House of Payne’s, Detective Shows, FX Channel, Wrestling, American Gladiators, World's Strongest Man Competitions, Nip Tuck, Charmed, TV1, Americas’ Top Model, Work Out, Sci Fi Channel, Home Improvement, Health Channels, and Cooking channels.
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You are free to follow the demands of your ego. You are also free to let go of those demands. You are free to imagine and impose all sorts of limitations upon your life, your actions and who you can be. You are also free to move beyond every one of those limitations. You are free to think positive, empowering thoughts even when faced with situations that could be considered hopeless. You are free to act in such a way that will bring value and meaning to your life and your world. You are free to take difficult problems and turn them into spectacular opportunities. You are free to take ordinary moments and turn them into special treasures. You are free to take whatever may come your way, and direct it toward positive purpose. You are free to fail a thousand times, and then to get back up and achieve stunning success. You are free to find the beauty and value in all that you experience. Remember always that you are free, to live, to love, and to bring the very best possibilities brilliantly to life. Find joy in doing nothing and you can find it in everything. Experience happiness without a reason and you can create happiness for any reason. Realize that happiness is not the result of good things, but is indeed the cause of good things. There is nothing you need in order to be happy other than the choice to be. Imagine living this day filled with joy, happiness and positive purpose. Imagine it, then take one more step and actually do it.
Let go of any concern you may have for what does or does not come your way. Focus instead on the good and valuable things that you can give, create, inspire and choose to experience. Don't allow the world to pull you down with its negativity. Choose to transform the world around you with your own positive outlook. Real joy is always a choice you can make. Live with joy, let happiness flow out from you, and life becomes more radiant with each passing moment.


THE BIBLE, THE MEASURE OF A MAN, anything by Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, Fitness, Health and Bodybuilding Books, Soul Mates Dissipate, When a Black Man Loves, More Justice, More Peace: The Black Person's Guide to the American Legal System, Dreamgirls, Video Vixen, all of E. Lynn Harris Books, Chocolate Flava, On the Down-Low, Love is never painless, When Someone Loves You Back, and How to books..
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Where are your thoughts going? That is where your life will soon be. On what kinds of things is your awareness most consistently focused? Those are the things that will form the reality of your life. Life is endlessly abundant. The portion of that abundance that you can most fully imagine and embody determines how life will be for you. Every achievement exists first in your mind. Every disappointment also exists first in your mind. So fill your mind with the best you can imagine, as often as you can remember to do so. The possibilities to which you devote your focus and your energy are the ones you will experience for real.
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GOD ALMIGHTY, My "MOTHER":( 7/09/38-10/14/07)AND MY AUNT(11/09/33-04/04/07), may they both rest in peace,those who stand strong and make a difference,like my Father,my God-parents, my Adopted Parents, my Grandmother, my Sisters,my Cousin/Brother "Wes", my Brothers, my Aunts, and many more.........Never before has life held as much promise as it does on this very day. The possibilities open to you right now are more wonderful and abundant than they have ever been. You may be suffering under the sad illusion that the best days of your life have already come and gone. Choose now to see beyond that self-imposed limiting thought.Open your eyes to the beautiful truth that the things in your life with real value and meaning never decline or decay. The longer you live with purpose and sincerity, the more intensely you experience true love and joy.It may seem that your mistakes have been piled on top of mistakes, and that nothing can free you from your burdensome regrets. Yet the freedom you seek is as close as the next moment.Every beauty you've ever imagined is real, and exists in you right now. Every joy that you've ever glimpsed is yours to live and to express any time you choose.You stand in this moment at a beautiful new beginning, full of promise and possibility. See it, know it, live it, and allow the joy to flow more abundantly than ever before.
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My Blog

To all of my friends.......

Watch out for "is." It can be very limiting. Thinking and saying that something "is" a certain way, puts you in danger of ignoring all the other possibilities. When you make a statement like "this is...
Posted by www.4life4health4u.usana.com on Sat, 03 May 2008 09:42:00 PST

The way you look at life and yourself

The way you frame your life has a major impact on the way your life unfolds. The way you see yourself and your place in the world determines who you truly are. The unstated assumptions upon which you...
Posted by www.4life4health4u.usana.com on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:45:00 PST

Just Relax

Have you ever noticed that when you don't need any new business, that's when you get it? And when you're desparately trying to increase sales, you can't seem to find any new customers? Sometimes it se...
Posted by www.4life4health4u.usana.com on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:14:00 PST

Staying Positive

It's easy to be positive and upbeat when things are going well. The real challenge of living with a positive focus, is when life starts handing you problem after problem. It is much more of a struggle...
Posted by www.4life4health4u.usana.com on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 08:43:00 PST

A Tribute to my Aunt (11/9/33-04-04-07)

Fall in love again each moment with life. Breathe in the rich, new wondrous possibilities that are continually being born. Realize what a grand opportunity exists in even the smallest of matters. Tod...
Posted by www.4life4health4u.usana.com on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 10:53:00 PST

To all My Friends

As you go through this day, make an effort to notice one small, insignificant little frustration that you’d normally get upset about. Then do yourself a favor, and simply let it go. Experience, ...
Posted by www.4life4health4u.usana.com on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:59:00 PST

What is Holding You Back?

What things are holding you back, preventing you from reaching your full potential? We tend to avoid thinking about such things, because they can be painful. Or we blame our troubles and lack of progr...
Posted by www.4life4health4u.usana.com on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 09:03:00 PST

Happy Easter

Never before has life held as much promise as it does on this very day. The possibilities open to you right now are more wonderful and abundant than they have ever been. You may be suffering under the...
Posted by www.4life4health4u.usana.com on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 10:52:00 PST


Life has a beautiful rhythm and pace. Live it as it comes. If you try to outrun life, you miss much of its beauty. Instead of racing ahead to cover more ground, see the treasures that are right here a...
Posted by www.4life4health4u.usana.com on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:49:00 PST


The more you do something, the stronger you become at it. The more you work out with weights, the stronger your muscles become. The more you complain, the better you become at complaining. The more yo...
Posted by www.4life4health4u.usana.com on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:58:00 PST