Miss Shi-Queeta-Lee........ Washington Blade Voting Scale Best Drag Performer: Shi-Queeta-Lee Female impersonator Shi-Queeta-Lee has been performing in Washington, D.C. for nine years, wowing crowds across the metro area with her Tina Turner impersonation. BEST Sunday Illusion Brunch Washington Blade Voting Scale Best Brunch: Shi-Queeta’s Illusion Champagne Brunch Although Shi-Queeta-Lee has moved from her perch at Cada Vez, her new brunch still includes her classic Tina Turner impersonation. Now located at new club Onyx, which opened in September under the guidance of two former Edge nightclub managers, Shi-Queeta-Lee serves up the food and the entertainment. So far, crowds have been small, but Shi-Queeta-Lee says they grow each week. For more on the hostess with the most-ess, see the entry for Best Drag Performer.src="http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l7/shiqueet alee/bingocopy.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">
My Spotlight in the "HBO series The Wire" My Spolight in the Stage Play "The Maintenance Man" The Cast of TOWN Production of "Hair Spray" BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND "o0o0o0o0" Meet The CAST
All Types, R&B, Jazz, Country, Latin, Opera, Rap Favorite Artist: Luther Van Dross, Patti Labelle, Tina Turner The 5 HEARTBEATS Lip-Sync Musical Stage Play Directed by: Shi-Queeta-Lee
Color Purple, Steel Magnolias, Five Heart Beats, Glitter, The Other Sister, My Left Foot, Roots, and CA$H MONEY
HBO, NBC, ABC, CBS, Lifetime,Logo,Bravo and Tv ONE
Shi-Queeta-Lee & Xavier Onasis Bloomingdale Black Pride 2006 Shi-Queeta-Lee & Harmonica SunBeam Black Pride 2005