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About Me

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From the East End originally, and relocated to Milton Keynes in the mid-70s, married with 4 beautiful and talented daughters, they all have a myspace and a wonderful wife Betty. I started guitar in the 60's gigging from 13 and doing well in my late teens on the old London pub rock circuit until discos put a load of us out of work. Played with all sorts from Blues Brothers Revue type, Jazz Funk, Folk Duos & Blues/Rock to studio work playing punk with other peoples names on the cover, oh and I keep quiet about the metal and spandex! I did a bit of bike racing over the years but once my reactions slowed in my 50's, its touring only now. Still rollin' bikes and guitars, and that's about me.

Betty, 'er indoors

My Interests

Family, Music & Cycling. Suffering the agony of Following West Ham United F.C. It's a birthright thing.

I'd like to meet:

Nelson Mandela and as many wonderful people as I can.


They say I play a hybrid of punk and jazz, my friends call it "junk"
it goes like dis...
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Apocalypse Now for the pointlessness of war


No soaps or "reality" please


Far From the Madding Crowd for its influence on this City Boy, Lance Armstrong's It's Not About the Bike, for putting life in perspective, and anything by Naomi Klein (No Logo)who really shows the way of things in the 21st Century.


Martin Luther-King for speaking the dream,Nelson Mandela for acting on the dream and Tommy Simpson (cyclist)for daring to look the dream straight in the eye. I grew up watching Hurst, Moore & Peters...