The most recent Sharkeez flyer I've done
Carey Hart and I @ Super-X 2008
Cathouse at Luxor
Devilish Gear:
Tabu @ MGM
Yeah, my closet's a mess :-]
Me & my bike for Jardine:
My first crash:
Sara, Tal B, MV, and me
Street Smarts hosted by Frank Nicotero
Things I like:
MotoGP // StreetBikes // GuitarHero // RockBand // Tattoos // Piercings // Music // Guitarists // Singers // Art // Creativity // Intelligence // Confidence // Humble-ness ( IsThatAWord?! IWonder.. ) // PeopleWhoAreDriven // Mercedes ( AlreadyGotOne ) // MACeyeshadow // ChristianDior // Rockers // Style // Edge // Craziness // Fitness // Open-Mindedness // Graphics // CoolMovies // HealthFood // RealEstate // Maturity // NonFiction ( WhyReadSomethingFake ) // History // Journals // LifeStories // Sports // Snowboarding // Football // Deutschland // Dogs // UFC
The people responsible for creating the irresponsible, idiotic, lazy, fat, unappreciative offspring that live in our world today.
DaNieLLe's Friend Space
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My buddy, and lead singer of Fuel, Toryn Green
Music I like:
Disturbed // KoRn // Godsmack // AliceInChains // MarilynManson // Mudvayne // BlackLabelSociety // ZakkWylde // Incubus // Nirvana // StoneTemplePilots // 311 // VelvetRevolver // Godsmack // SOAD // NIN // Pantera // Metallica // Taproot // Static-X // 3DoorsDown // BreakingBenjamin // Creed // Evanescence // Seether // ThreeDaysGrace // Ozzy // BonJovi // Finch // HawthorneHeights // GreenDay // Offspring // NickelBack // Thrice // MissyElliot // YingYangTwins // BustaRhymes // Eminem // TakingBackSunday // Chevelle // BrandNew // TheCure // Fuel // Dope // Ramstein // Atreyu // AvengedSevenfold // ACDC // Slipknot // PatienceWorth // Shinedown // RiseAgainst // 50Cent // MotleyCrue // JudasPriest // TheBuggles // BillyIdol // P.O.D. // QuietRiot // TwistedSister // DavidLeeRoth // VanHalen // BlackSabbath // Tool // APerfectCircle // IronMaiden // TheGame // YoungJeezy // LilWayne // Hinder // ChrisDaughtry // DragonForce
Music I hate
Music I dislike:
FallOutBoy // Yellowcard // SimplePlan // AshleeSimpson // HilaryDuff // LindsayLohan // MikeJones // MariahCarey // PanicAtTheDisco
Fav TV shows:
CSI:CrimeSceneInvestigation // MiamiInk // OrangeCountyChoppers // UntoldStoriesOfTheER // HeadbangersBall // MedicalMysteries // UniqueWhips