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About Me

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I'm an extroverted beagle with a Walter Mitty complex. I'm a virtuoso at every endeavor- at least in my daydreams atop my doghouse. Regard my master, Charlie Brown, as "that round-headed kid" who brings me my supper dish. I'm fearless though prudently cautious about "the cat next door." I never speak- that would be one human trait too many- but manages to convey everything necessary in facial expressions and thought balloons. A one-man show with superior intelligence and vivid imagination, you may also know me as one of my multiple personalities as: Joe Cool, World War I Flying Ace, Literary Ace, Flashbeagle, Vulture, Foreign Legionnaire, etc.Born and raised at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm, my original owner was a little girl named Lila, who had to return me to Daisy Hill after her family moved to an apartment where dogs were forbidden. (Shortly after his return to the farm, I was selected by Charlie Brown's parents as a companion for him.)I've got seven siblings, five of whom appear at some point in the strip: Andy, Belle, Marbles, Olaf, and Spike. Most often seen is Spike, who lives in the desert and is friends with cacti. Spike is very thin, wears a fedora and has long whiskers. Andy looks like a disheveled version of Snoopy. Olaf is rotund in both body and face. Marbles has spots on his fur and wears shoes. Belle, who looks like me with long eyelashes, is most notable in that there was a Belle stuffed animal available for many years. Although I often mention that I was one of seven puppies, the two other siblings never appeared in the comic strip. According to animated special Snoopy's Reunion, they are named Molly and Rover.I also became "Joe Cool," as I put on sunglasses and leaned against the wall (in standard "cool" fashion) doing nothing. I hves also been a famous writer (who was never published), an attorney (who once defended Peter Rabbit), a hockey player, an Olympic figure skater (who used to skate with Sonja Henie before he became "big time"), a world famous checkout clerk who operated from the top of his dog house in an apron, the "Lone Beagle" (the first dog to fly solo across the Atlantic) and even the first astronaut to land on the moon.Outside of his fantasy life I am the shortstop for Charlie Brown's Little League team (and the best player), and even owned a Van Gogh (later replaced by an Andrew Wyeth after my first doghouse caught fire and burned down).I also act as the Beagle Scout leader with my bird friends.Other than my owner Charlie Brown, my best friend and confidante is the undersized yellow bird Woodstock, who only "speaks" in apostrophe marks.My arch-enemy (other than the Red Baron) is the unseen "Stupid Cat Next Door." For a while in 1977, I was engaged to an unseen female dog I met while on guard duty at Peppermint Patty's house.However, she ran off with my brother Spike, and later a coyote upon their arrival at Spike's desert. This story was later adapted as the animated special "Snoopy's Getting Married, Charlie Brown."I hate coconut candy gets weed claustrophobia and is deathly afraid of icicles dangling over his doghouse, which is dramatically larger inside than it is outside--or at least the basement is, being large enough to have a pool table and the paintings mentioned above.

My Interests

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Snoopy Music
.. Snoopy and Linus