My name is Elmo Dadino and I am a Dino from Amazonia. I was looking for a manager as I am too busy meeting girls and seeing the world. .. I asked Elrod to manage the page for me but he says he is too busy to do a good job... You know how guitar players are...
Anyway, my friend Gabi says she will help and that's real cool. Especially since she is a real girl!
Oh, Elrod is the guy here with me in the picture. He is my best friend and a great guitar player. If you don't know who he is you really should make an effort to find out. We are on a trip to take me back to Amazonia- (or so he thinks!) What I really want to do is to see the world (and meet girls, of course)
Anyway, since Gabi took the thankless job with no pay looks llike you're s.o.l., you can't have it, too bad. That is unless you are a girl. Then I can always find some work for you.
And this is my Friend Gabi. She is very cool to me!
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4" " /