Buenos Aires
CURRENT MOON about the moon
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CURRENT MOON about the moon
Member of: *** Miembro de:
La fotograf?a, trabajar con im?genes, dise?o, poes?a, decoraci?n de tortas (m?todo Wilton), decoraci?n para fiestas, tarjeter?a, actividades al aire libre, hacer buenos amigos... y siempre...la m?sica!
Photography, working with images, design, cake decoration (Wilton method), party decoration, cards on vegetal paper, open-air activities, poetry, making good friends...and always...music!
Personas de buen coraz?n, sinceras que valoren la amistad, no importa sexo, color, creencia o edad. NO me interesan la gente que habla lindo pero no act?a acorde. No soporto la mentira -escudo de cobardes-, la hipocrec?a ni la violencia. S?, creo en la tolerancia y el poder de la palabra. No tenemos que pensar igual: de las diferencias se aprende y crece******** People with a beautiful heart who are sincere and value friendship. I am NOT interested in those who speak nicely but do not behave accordingly. I cannot stand lies -the coward..s shield- hypocrisy or violence. I DO believe in tolerance and the power of the word. We do not have to think in the same way: we learn and grow from differences, too.
Listen to: Producer: Clayton "BigTrigger" Corley
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Listen to ELROD GEARE...Wonderful music!
Casi todo tipo de m?sica, seg?n lo que estoy haciendo y el estado de ?nimo.
Almost all kind of music depending on what I am doing and mood.
Mis preferidas: suspenso, terror, buenas comedias...
My favourite: suspense, horror, good comedies
Noticieros, buenas series, pel?culas -preferentemente americanas, alg?n documental, entretenimiento. En realidad, casi no miro televisi?n. No me gusta demasiado.
News programmes, good series, films -preferably American, some documentals, enterteinment. In fact, I watch little tv. I do not like it that much.
Literatura: poes?a, hiperbreves y los cl?sicos en todos los g?neros. Borges, por excelencia. Ensayos,
Literature: classics, some poetry, short stories. A book I..ve always liked: "Animal Farm": it portrays each of us. Essays.
Mis dos hijos, lo m?s grande que me ha dado Dios en los ?ltimos a?os...y me ha dado mucho! Y, luego, cada uno de esos ni?os, esas madres y padres que luchan contra adversidades d?a a d?a.
My two children, the greatest gift God has given to me in the last years ...and he has given me a lot. And, then...every child, mother and father that fights against adversity every day.