Music in general, playing guitar, songwriting, photography, hanging out with friends, movies, concerts, American Football, reading, Poker...
My far away friends in the States, I miss you so much...
Those people I have hurt in my life and tell them that I am really sorry...
And of course... Steve Vai! :-)
A short note for everybody who want..s to be added to my friends. I only add you if a.) I allready know you! b.) you leave me a note with a little about yourself and why you want to be friends with me! Until then I will leave you with this:
It..s all about peace and love and good happieness stuff!
Here are my Top 5 right now: Johnny Cash: God..s Gonna Cut You Down Pink Floyd: Comfortably Numb (Lvie at Earls Court/Pulse DVD) Stone Sour: Made Of Scars ;-) Incubus: Diamonds and Coal B.R.M.C.: Still Suspicion Holds You Thight
Everything from Tarantino, The Breakfast Club, Lord Of The Ring, The Matrix, Saw, Horrormovies in general, Walk The Line
I actually do not have a TV-Show that I would consider a must see every week. I like to channel hop all the time until I find something that looks interesting to me! ;-)
Everything read from J. Deaver, really great, he got me hooked all the time. S.King it..s amazing how he brings fear into everyday life, espacially when you are twelve years old and you read "Shining" for the first time... M. Moore
Well, my parents are heros, they raised me and my sister and that was not an easy task! ;-)