Five Degrees profile picture

Five Degrees

Five Degrees Of Outer Influence

About Me

Five Degrees [Evan, 21 (Leadvocals); Moritz, 21 (Leadguitar); Daniel, 23 (Rhythmguitar); Pascal, 19 (Bass); Martin, 21 (Drums)] formierten sich Ende 2002 in Velbert und wurden von Beginn an von der örtlichen Musik & Kunstschule unterstützt.
Anfang 2006 endete diese Kooperation mit dem Einzug in einen neuen Proberaum in Wuppertal. Seitdem steht die Band auf eigenen Füßen, ist nicht nur körperlich, sondern auch geistig gewachsen und beruflich sowie vor allem menschlich weitergekommen.
Eine Band, die Spaß an der Musik („Her Name is Rock´n´Roll“) und an ihrem Leben („Your Life To Live“) hat, will ihre Philosophie in die Welt tragen. Ihre Musik prägen dabei fünf Menschen, fünf verschiedene Einflüsse, fünf verschiedene Charaktere, Five Degrees eben. Vom Stil her bewegt man sich im Bereich Alternative Rock mit Pop-, Progressiv-, Hardrock und Funk-Einflüssen. Mit viel Liebe zum Detail wird dabei aber die Massentauglichkeit eines jeden Songs nicht vergessen. Textlich stehen dabei Themen wie Freundschaft, Liebe und der Sinn des Lebens im Vordergrund. Das Repertoire der Band umfasst 18 Eigenkompositionen, die auf bisher 39 Auftritten präsentiert wurden!

My Interests


Member Since: 9/6/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: Evan - Lead Vocals

Mart - Drums, Backing-Vocals

Moritz - Lead Guitar

Pascal - Bass

Daniel - Guitar

Influences: The music that sorrounds us
Sounds Like: A mix of the best music ever written. What else? ;)
Record Label: Noch keins
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Hi Fans! Außer den drei bereits feststehenden Gigs und einer noch ausstehenden Bewerbung für einen Bandwettbewerb Anfang November, werden wir keine weiteren Auftritte für 2007 planen. Das ursprünglic...
Posted by Five Degrees on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 07:40:00 PST

Burnout Bandslam Contest

Hi there!we entered the Burnout Bandslam Contest with "The Unknown Face". The first prize is a demo-record contract with Virgin so go there, find us and vote us! NOW! ;)You are still here...Cheerio,Ev...
Posted by Five Degrees on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 04:02:00 PST

Simon leaves Five Degrees

We sadly have to announce, that our drummer Simon has left Five Degrees. He moved to another city and he has got no time left for the band. We are working on a solution and we are moving on with our r...
Posted by Five Degrees on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 02:21:00 PST

A few updates

Okay, this is our actual status:We are making a new record to come out sometime this year and for this purpose we won´t do any shows in the next six months, so we can completely concentrate on the rec...
Posted by Five Degrees on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 11:23:00 PST

Merry Christmas! Discover "The Unknown Face"!

Heya all,we wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year.We would also like to announce that we finally got a new bassist. His name is Pascal, Photos will come soon. He played his first gig wit...
Posted by Five Degrees on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 04:04:00 PST

Working on the record

Hell, I know, I´ve said it before, but we are working on the new record now for weeks and months. We did a gig back in the Club in Heiligenhaus and it rocked. The crowd was listening to the demos befo...
Posted by Five Degrees on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 03:00:00 PST

We are needing a new bassist

Yeah, our former bassist Niko left us and now we are searching for a new bassist... Look on our Homepage for more information.Btw: We are working on new recordings, more news, soon =).Cheerio,Evan...
Posted by Five Degrees on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 02:03:00 PST


So finally we got forums up and running. Go to and start posting :).More infos soon.Evan
Posted by Five Degrees on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 02:19:00 PST

Progress part 2

Whoa, it´s almost a year ago, that I posted...So what´s going on? The Demo was finished in the beginning of this year and we are giving it away for free. A few shows are planned this year but we are e...
Posted by Five Degrees on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 02:13:00 PST


So after all, there is progress made... We have started early production on our record. "Your Life to Live" is the first to be finished, or to be reached "demo-status". Our first list of songs, which ...
Posted by Five Degrees on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 10:39:00 PST