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About Me

ToolsForMySpace.comI am a media junkie. I read just about everything on pop culture. Sports is my is my love. I'm a die hard Yankee fan and I collect sports memorabilia. I am a devoted reader of Uni Blog...a site dedicated to uniform collectors everywhere. I have a few select jerseys..mostly baseball. I also have a huge collection of cds. I listen to everything..I'm partial to garage band/old school/pop/rock/new wave/bar band/New Jersey rock and roll. Ask Miami Steve to define it..I can't but I love it. For my more introspective moments..jazz. Nothing like Miles or Coltrane late in the evening. I write for the fun of it...wish I got paid but life ain't fair sometimes. I have had the same core group of friends for over 30 years. Every year we play football on Thanksgiving and now the kids are giving us a run for our money. I take pride in being a loyal friend and I love my friends and family

My Interests

I love sports especially in New York.The Yankees Rangers, and Jets are my favorite teams.I have a soft spot for athletes over the age of 40 like Julio Franco,David Wells,and some guy named Clemens. English football (that's soccer kids!) has become a new summer pastime. I like Liverpool and the Spurs. I hope Beckham makes the sport popular like Pele did years ago. And shooting the breeze with you guys!

I'd like to meet:

I was lucky enough to meet Keith Richards and have a drink with him. He's everything you read about...and a lot nicer. Clarence Clemons the big as hell. I would have loved to meet any or all of the Beatles in their youth..what a time to be young. Bruce Springsteen is the one guy famous or otherwise I'd like to talk about life and the state of the world with.I'd really like to meet a smart and beautiful woman who stops traffic with her smile and rocks my world with her sense of humor and intellect.


Anything from the British Invasion era. Bruce Springsteen and friends. Old school disco and new wave. Early Elvis..Costello that is! The Clash..God Bless Strummer. Those old war horses the Rolling Stones.U2. REM. Jazz that makes you emotional..either sad or happy. The blues. Hip hop that does not celebrate gangster culture or describe your favorite bedroom activities in graphic detail. And last but not least..Christmas music. I'm a real softy for it.


Good Fellas. The Godfather. Animal House. Anything by Monty Python. All my favorites have a great story and make me laugh really hard or cry. I don't think I can ever watch My Dog Skip was the last movie I saw with my mom! The Natural, Rocky and Bull Durham are my favorite sports movies. Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein. And a very under appreciated turn by John Candy in Uncle Buck.


24..Nothing like Jack Bauer getting pissed off. CSI..the best show on TV period.30 Rock is hysterical..Tina Fey should never let Baldwin do a serious role again.The Simpsons. House because he's such a lovable prick.ER..the stories get more creative every season and the actors especially Maura Tierney are wonderful. Finally, SNL and any show that allows a comedian to strut their stuff. The Daily Show and Colbert Report end my work day every day.


Giant Steps by Kareem Abdul Jabbar..the best sports autobiagraphy I've ever read. Please Kill Legs McNeil the story of punk rock as told by the participants. And Ball Four by Jim Bouton..the funniest sports book of all time.


Friends and family that never made it home on 9/11/01. FDNY. NYPD. Our loved ones fighting in a war that makes no sense. My late parents who I miss every day. My grandma who helped me become the man I am today. Thurman Munson And Roberto Clemente both gone way too soon. Richard Pryor and John Belushi..two funny guys who had a great and positive influence on my life. Bruce, the Clash, the Beatles and the Stones whose music is the soundtrack of my life.

My Blog

Old Friends

Yogi Berra revealed that he used to play bingo with Phil Rizzuto at least 3 times a week. Scooter was living in an assisted living home until his death today. Hall of Famers. And amazing friends.We s...
Posted by Alan on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 07:32:00 PST

Tom Snyder-Interviews the Clash (With performances) A Tribute

The late great Tom Snyder interviews the Clash The Clash perform the Magnificent 7 The Clash perform Radio Clash I spent many nights watching the Tomorrow Show. Tom Snyder w...
Posted by Alan on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 07:48:00 PST

Gary Sheffield...what is this man's problem?

Black players "had a issue with Joe Torre," Sheffield said. "They weren't treated like everybody else. Even I got called out in a couple of meetings that I thought was unfair."The Yankees said they ha...
Posted by Alan on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 07:54:00 PST

Willie Mays..a personal story

One of the highlights of my summers growing up was going to baseball camp in upstate New York. In 1973, Willie Mays made a guest appearance. He came to our field dressed in brown double knit pants and...
Posted by Alan on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 06:31:00 PST

Julio Franco and why I love Hank Aaron

I posted a photo of Julio Franco on my page. I have enough trouble getting up in the morning and this guy is still playing pro ball at age 48! God Bless him..he's a hero to me. I'll probably catch som...
Posted by Alan on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 09:27:00 PST

Cancer claims more than victims

Well, as many of my friends know, my sister had major cancer surgery. Her prognosis is great..there will be some other treatment down the road but her survival range as of this writing is 90 per cent....
Posted by Alan on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 02:36:00 PST

The Man in Black at his best...a great video

Johnny Cash - Hurt Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Alan on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 06:37:00 PST

Father's Day..a happy blast from the past

I just graduated from college in December of 1983..this is my favorite photo of me and my dad. He would have been 77 this month......
Posted by Alan on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 10:09:00 PST

The Sopranos greatest hits (Caution...not for the squeamish)

Posted by Alan on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 08:41:00 PST

Who loves you baby?

My dad would have been 77 today..he would have loved the Sopranos and playing with the our dumb ass president likes to say. Most of all he would have been amazed at his grand children. H...
Posted by Alan on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 06:50:00 PST