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I am here for Networking

About Me

Sugar and Spice and everything Nice. And for that, I think I tend to play well with others. (Lord knows I try.) I'm a good girl (except for when I'm bad). Whatever I am, I keep it real (mostly with a smile on my face).
MySpace Glitter Graphics Do unto others, karma is real, spread the word. Be a good person...or at least give it a college try. Respect yourself, but remember say please and thank you and mind your manners. You know, that school of thought. The "thou shalt not be a shitty neighbor" school of thought.I know who I am, I know what I want, and I know what I need. (What one wants and what one needs are NOT the same thing, and understanding the difference is paramount.) I also work hard and play harder. Balance is important, but I like extremes. En fin, I'm just tryin' to live the dream.

My affiliates are: The Auer clan, Democratic Party, I have Papal connections at the Vatican, Mic Ultra Fan Club, List-Special. Also, I exist cyberspaciously at: and HOT...and so is and :)

My Interests

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BASEBALL and the NY YANKEES in particular, but I also root for the Mets. Travel, cultures and art; theater/ballet; home improvements & interior design & gardening; football season (E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES!); Developing my palate; FOOD & WINE; cigars and their stink; current events / politics / the demise of the Bush era (I'm interested in getting our boys and girls back home...slow, but soon - GOD BLESS); literature / history / theology; equity and property value; slothing the sun; boating, fishing and surf fishing; bowling & poker & pool & darts; I just like a little friendly competition in general, but I'll settle with just playing catch. Last, but not least, I'm in love with New York City and its pretty glow. May God bless it and protect it.

I'd like to meet:

Literate Narcissists. (READ ME)Narcissism isn't necessarily a horrible thing. It simply describes the character trait of self love. (The word gets a bad wrap, though.) Indulge me...The word is derived from a Greek myth. Narcissus was a handsome Greek youth who rejected the desperate advances of the nymph Echo. As punishment, he was doomed to fall in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. Unable to consummate his love, Narcissus pined away and changed into the flower that bears his name, the narcissus.Freud believed that some narcissism is an essential part of all of us from birth.Another claims that, in adults, a reasonable amount of narcissism facilitates our perception of our needs for balance in relation to others.See? Not so bad, right?


Everything: Most classic rock (104.3). Flamenco...the Spanish Guitar (Malaguena), Gypsy Kings/Esteban, Ray, Sade, Thom Yorke/Radiohead (especially in symphany), disco, funk, blues, old school Tribe, Beastie Boys, (Jerky Boys!), Bjork, Madonna, Biggie, 50, MJB, Missy, John Legend, 80's, White Stripes, the Killers, Coldplay, David Grey, Nick Drake, Jack Johnson, Zepplin, TooL, Alice in Chains, Korn, Rage, H. Rollins (is just hot), Stones, Floyd, Miles Davis, Billy Holiday, and I could go on and on and on...


Including but not limited to: THE BIG LEBOWSKI, PULP FICTION, Almost Famous, Fever Pitch and in no particular order: Departed, Blood Diamond (Leo had a good year), Crash, Al Gore's ..ary (watch it regardless of's not about elephants or simply is what it is, and we better get hip to it quick). Amelie will forever remind me of living in Brooklyn w/ Michelle, my "Sexy Beast". Motorcycle Diaires and Gael's raw talent; Fear and Loathing; High Fidelity; The Goonies; When Harry Met Sally (it's more than a chick flick by the's comedy, good comedy); Swigers; and Lords of Dogtown (but I liked the ..ary version more); there are SO many favorites, I'll just catagorize by genre -COMEDY: Dane Cook, Gary Gulman (and his "sugar cookie"), Bill Cosby's "Himself." Animal House and Old School. Money Pit, Happy Gilmore, Elf, Wedding Crashers, Office Space, Say Anything, Better Off Dead and Cusak's other movies from the 80's about adolescent drama. Harold and Maude. ACTION: Snatch, Fight Club, Smokin' Aces, Goodfellas, Man on Fire, The Way of the Gun, Mr. & Mrs Smith, and the latest King Kong. DRAMA: Capote, Traffic, Ordinary People; On the Edge; Basketball Diaries, Scent of a Woman, Frida, Closer, Singles, Spanglish, and A Lot Like Love

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YES Network, ESPN, CNN, SEINFELD, Scrubs, HOUSE, BONES and The History Channel. Basically, I can hang with anything that can resolve itself in an hour or less. I don't watch a lot of TV, so when I do, I'd like to see them wrap it up nicely. I'm not going to commit to my TV for months on end. It's bad enough the Yankees have me for half the year :) Oh, and I like Antiques Roadshow because I'm nerdy and it's just like watching the history channel. It's also good to "know before you go" for your local traffic & weather.Myspace Contact TablesMyspace .. Now Icons


Thomas Paine's COMMON SENSE, Running with Scissors, The Color Purple, Moby Dick, Tuesdays With Morrie, Siddhartha, Me Talk Pretty One Day, Nick Hornbey books, anything that either makes me laugh out loud or depresses me (i.e., A Tree Grows in Brooklyn).I like reading The Post, too. A lot. Especially on the subway.


Mi madre fuerte & my dad, too. God bless.

My Blog

01.18.08 There Are 27 Days Until Pitchers and Catchers Report

4/15/08  But this took up most my time for something like the last 5 months or so. After this case, I might have to retire... 12/03/07  Countrywide Suit in a NY State of Mind 12/07/07&n...
Posted by Stacy on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 09:47:00 PST

03.02.08 Big D

A perfect enough day at Steinbrenner Field to make anyone jealous, like a cold NYer...who has to tow her car instead of going to the circus...because her battery is dead...and car batteries cannot be ...
Posted by Stacy on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 06:22:00 PST

03.01.08 How Sweet It Is

Baseball's back.  Le sigh...   A new season, a new beginning, a chance to start anew.  Lovely.  I'm excited.  Are you?   Our boys in stripes had their first G...
Posted by Stacy on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:06:00 PST

02.19.08 Starting with the starting rotation

I'm back, you sexy blog readers.  A friend of mine recently wanked, "no longer are the days when we were famous and dozens upon dozens of people actually read us daily."  Whatever, I haven't...
Posted by Stacy on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 09:58:00 PST

02.18.08 The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Sandwiched between Girardi (a slight fellow) and Cash, Pettitte began this year's stint in the Grapefruit League today.  About the truth, Pettitte refers to Romans, verses 4 and 5: For he is God'...
Posted by Stacy on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 01:34:00 PST

08.22.07 Slam Duncan

Housekeeping is necessary even though I have not written as of late.  Firstly, the bulletins and the emails with the chick video that myspace doesn't let play (probably for the better) were not s...
Posted by Stacy on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 10:25:00 PST

07.05.07 Yankees Full of Fight

Today's game was a long one at about 3 and half hours, but it was one of the best games I've seen in a while. I admit, I haven't been watching every game lately b/c I've been playing outside so much,...
Posted by Stacy on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 07:03:00 PST

07.04.07 Whereabouts, Fun in the Sun, oh, and the Yankees, too

To all of you, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!  Thanks for all the happy wishes for the holiday.  I haven't had a lot of time to be online much lately because, well, life has been getting in the wa...
Posted by Stacy on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 10:28:00 PST

06.28.07 Close But No Cigar

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought tonight's game would be a W for NY since we were up 8 - 6 in the top of the 8th when the game was stopped due to rain in Baltimore.  I'm opening this up to ...
Posted by Stacy on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 09:30:00 PST

06.24.07 A full day's work...

They went 13 innings and NY had 17 hits.  They were up, they were down, they stranded many of their own men in scoring position and walked a few too many Giants for their own good. ...
Posted by Stacy on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 01:18:00 PST