Rev. Jeremy Duncan profile picture

Rev. Jeremy Duncan


About Me

I'm a big silly dude that likes to make movies with my film group, Father and Son Tuesday, aka. F.A.S.T. films. Check out our website . Yes, I really am a reverend, but I don't work at a church. Aside from independent filmmaking, I dig photography, reading, karaoke, watching other people's movies, home theater, car audio, and road trips.

My Sites:

My Interests

Making and watching movies, karaoke, home theater, car audio.

F.A.S.T. Films:

Halloween Wish


Last Christmas

American High


As Time Flutters By

The Legend of Billy Scabs

Opening Credits

Plan B

The End


Bring on the Probe

The Guardian


Odd Couple
F.A.S.T. Clover

Piggy Back
Revolution Films

F.A.S.T. Members:

I'd like to meet:


AIM= snatchmatic9000
YAHOO= jeremy7500
GTALK= snatchmatic
MSN= [email protected]

This Myspace profile is for entertainment purposes only. Information or opinions presented on and/or the Internet in general about, to, or by the Reverend Jeremy Duncan, Father and Son Tuesday, or any of it's members should not be interpreted as having a factual basis nor should they be relied on as fact.

The Rev. J's Comment Box
Before you comment:

-PLEASE don't leave me a comment asking how I know you or why I added you. I am a filmmaker with a website to promote. Chances are, I saw you on someone else's page, or saw that you are from the area.

-DON'T post anything that has sound. if you have a little animated GIF or movie you wanna share, fine. If it makes noise, I will delete it.

View/Edit All of My Comments


Pink Floyd, Tool, NIN, Deftones, System of a Down, A Perfect Circle, NWA, Ween, old Manson, old skool gangsta rap, Handbook for the Recently Deceased and LUCIGEN , of course!


Slingblade, Fear and Loathing Las Vegas, As Good as it Gets, Shine, Forest Gump, I am Sam, Braveheart, Pink Floyd: The Wall, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, Team America: World Police, The Unforgiven, The Shawshank Redemption, Donnie Darko, An American Tail, Natural Born Killers, Pulp Fiction, The Gladiator, The Lion King, i could go on forever. I like movies!


The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, Sopranos (curse you, cock sucking finale episode!!!), Colbert Report, Nip Tuck, Entourage, Lost, Heroes (even though season 2 was b.s.), Flight of the Conchords, Six Feet Under (R.I.P.), The Office, Weeds, Dexter


Johnathan Kellerman, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Michael Crichton


My grandfather, Henry Richard Bratz. R.I.P.

More Pictures

My Blog


These are all, well mostly all picture of my goo dbuddy Derek Garner. He was home for hte holidays, so we took a bunch of pics. there were some other ones of me and nick i still have to edit, but i pr...
Posted by Rev. Jeremy Duncan on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 11:15:00 PST

Snow Day!!!

YO, HOMIES!!! today we got a bunch of snow. my car was covered and i had to shovel it out. they STILL havent plowed my street as of 9pm. anyways, here's a couple pics of what i had to shovel.peace, lo...
Posted by Rev. Jeremy Duncan on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 07:22:00 PST


here are some pics from thanxgiving day.hope ya all had a good time!...
Posted by Rev. Jeremy Duncan on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 01:25:00 PST

Mandi Coombs's Birthday Bash!!!

Here's some pics from mandi's b-day! ...
Posted by Rev. Jeremy Duncan on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 06:37:00 PST


Kevin Mosley, Patrick Erickson and I took a trip to Keokuk, IA to visit our friend Rex Hicks and his band of merry Revolution Filmsmen. Here is a compilation of footage i shot set the the music of Han...
Posted by Rev. Jeremy Duncan on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 05:37:00 PST


soooo....i was going through some old video apes and came accross this gem. its a video from new years eve 2001. no real editing here besides cuts and titles. i wanted to leave the video and sound in ...
Posted by Rev. Jeremy Duncan on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 12:45:00 PST


Sooo..went to this Nuctcracker concert last's some pics Jeff and Jeremy  Shallen and Jeremy Shallen of the bands... Pretty sure this is 3am Project...pretty sure, a...
Posted by Rev. Jeremy Duncan on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 07:18:00 PST


yeah, so im a little late with my halloween blog. but here's some pics: This is me on my way to a Halloween party the Saturday before Halloween Nick and Corrie the pirates. This is the ONLY picture I...
Posted by Rev. Jeremy Duncan on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 04:52:00 PST

Father and Son Saturday

IT was my friend Kyle Hayse's 22nd Birthday this saturday and here's the pics: Thats me and my son, Nicky Theres me and this really cool d00d, Jason Long. HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY KYLE!!! Theres Ja...
Posted by Rev. Jeremy Duncan on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:30:00 PST

KARAOKE!!! w/pics...

Soooo....we finally got to sing some karaoke again!!! just found out that a bar we frequent is going to have karaoke every saturday, so we had to break it in real good last night! check out the FORTY ...
Posted by Rev. Jeremy Duncan on Sun, 04 Sep 2005 01:17:00 PST