Making and watching movies, karaoke, home theater, car audio.
F.A.S.T. Films:
Halloween Wish
Last Christmas
American High
As Time Flutters By
The Legend of Billy Scabs
Opening Credits
Plan B
The End
Bring on the Probe
The Guardian
Odd Couple
F.A.S.T. Clover
Piggy Back
Revolution Films
F.A.S.T. Members:
AIM= snatchmatic9000
YAHOO= jeremy7500
GTALK= snatchmatic
MSN= [email protected]
This Myspace profile is for entertainment purposes only. Information or opinions presented on and/or the Internet in general about, to, or by the Reverend Jeremy Duncan, Father and Son Tuesday, or any of it's members should not be interpreted as having a factual basis nor should they be relied on as fact.
The Rev. J's Comment Box
Before you comment:
-PLEASE don't leave me a comment asking how I know you or why I added you. I am a filmmaker with a website to promote. Chances are, I saw you on someone else's page, or saw that you are from the area.
-DON'T post anything that has sound. if you have a little animated GIF or movie you wanna share, fine. If it makes noise, I will delete it.
View/Edit All of My Comments
Pink Floyd, Tool, NIN, Deftones, System of a Down, A Perfect Circle, NWA, Ween, old Manson, old skool gangsta rap, Handbook for the Recently Deceased and LUCIGEN , of course!
Slingblade, Fear and Loathing Las Vegas, As Good as it Gets, Shine, Forest Gump, I am Sam, Braveheart, Pink Floyd: The Wall, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, Team America: World Police, The Unforgiven, The Shawshank Redemption, Donnie Darko, An American Tail, Natural Born Killers, Pulp Fiction, The Gladiator, The Lion King, i could go on forever. I like movies!
The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, Sopranos (curse you, cock sucking finale episode!!!), Colbert Report, Nip Tuck, Entourage, Lost, Heroes (even though season 2 was b.s.), Flight of the Conchords, Six Feet Under (R.I.P.), The Office, Weeds, Dexter
Johnathan Kellerman, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Michael Crichton
My grandfather, Henry Richard Bratz. R.I.P.
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