Movies, martial arts, weight-training, music sequencing and playing trombone. Oh, and ONE CHEAP MOVE.
Fellow filmmakers of any kind. Writers, actors, directors...any kind of filmmaker at all. P.S. ...ONE CHEAP MOVE.
Let's face it...80's pop and rock. Nothing else counts accept maybe BT, the Rolling Stones, and music from the soundtrack of the show ONE CHEAP MOVE.
The first video below is: ONE CHEAP MOVE: FULL LENGTH EPISODE 1A !.. .."" width="320" classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" height="272" ....
Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Beavis & Butthead, Conan O'brian, and of course, the ultimate show, ONE CHEAP MOVE.
The novel adapation of ONE CHEAP MOVE.
I love a great action hero. In recent years, I think we've been running quite short on them. Real life heros? My karate teacher is the best person I've ever met. And heros that are just to good for existence? Myself, because I'm in the show ONE CHEAP MOVE.