I'm a chill d00d. no smoke. no booze. i tryin' to get dem g00d gradez so I can get to UPENN and be all lyke IVY LEAGUE and shittt. I'm also big into makin dem moviez, tryin' to get ma funnie TV show all up on da TV screen. Na mean? I iz also writin' a kidz TV show too 4 when i get done doin' the "LOL" thng. I think kidz R da futurez. I want 2 make kid showz eventuallyz. educational onez wit monsterz and singin. ok wut else? Oh- I also play in dis one band, we iz chill. Maybe we will tour thiz winter? i also got gf she pretty. i lke running, neEd 2 run more. i also got many computerz. i