***I don't accept friend requests unless they are accompanied by an e/m - I am not just trying to collect as many friends here as possible - quality not quantity. So if I don't know you already; let me know a little about why you want to add me, and if you are a band; know that I have to like your music to add you.***
My Word Weavers Trading Card ^_^
What kind of Pagan are you?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Ecclectic Pagan
A veritable blend of all the pantheons and perhaps a dash of a few other religions as well, you're the versitile Ecclectic Pagan. You have no problem wearing an ankh while setting an offering to Herne on your alter just below your image of Hera. You don't believe in coloring within the lines, and are a bright free-thinker. While you respect the views of your fellow pagans, as far as you're concerned, religion is the sky, and there's no one about to clip your wings with lines and limitations.
Ecclectic Pagan
Egyptian Pantheonic Pagan
Roman Pantheonic Pagan
Shamanic Pagan
Celtic Pantheonic Pagan
Eastern Pagan
Catholic (Pagan?)
Zoroastrian Pagan
Greek Pantheonic Pagan
Kabbalistic Pagan
Norse Pantheonic Pagan (Asatru)
Sumerian, Babylonian, and Mesopotamian Pagans
You're Bettie Page!
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Silver Moon Witch. you are the moon witch. you are
peaceful,solitary,and full of logic. some will
even comapre you to the godesses. your song is
"a winter's tale" by AFI
What witch are you? (gorgeous pics - 7 different results)
brought to you by Quizilla
Which Tank Girl character are you? (from the comics)
you don't take any sh*t. don't hurt me please :P
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Which Empire Records character would YOU be? Hmmm?
This quiz made while Angel was procrastinating her ass off.
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What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
Teal is your Lightsaber's color.The color Teal signifies trustworthiness, devotion and healing. It is also the indication of a spiritual guide and natural teacher.
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Your Star Wars Pickup Line
"In time, you will call me.....Master." What's Your Star Wars Pickup Line?
What kind of jewel are you?
Watermelon Tourmaline
You are truly one of a kind. Your beauty is unique, which makes people love you all the more.
Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.