Gemstone Beads and Jewelry
People interested in the making of jewelry with gemstone beads and findings. Also fine jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings.
Professional Beading Secrets DVD's
Learn to Bead Directly From A Pro!!
Interested in learning beading industry secrets and new tricks of the trade? Well, you'll find them in all seven of Kay's Professional Beading Secrets Instructional Videos!! They cover everything from beading basics to graduate level secrets, so you are bound to find a video that's right for you, no matter what your skill level! Here are the DVDs available for purchase today:
1: Beginning Beading (2 DVD Set)
2: Beginning Drop & Earrings
3: Multi-Strand Necklaces
4: Gemstone & Leather Necklaces
5: Wire-Linked Necklaces
6: Advanced Wire-Linking (2 DVD Set)
7: Seven Secrets to Professional Jewelry Design
(2 DVD Set)
You can learn all about this instructional video series by clicking the link below, where you can read a more detailed description of each video while watching their trailers. Kay also has a short introductory message for you, so don't forget to watch that as well!
Bead Sets
Gemstone Strands Silver, Gold & Copper
Focals and Pendants