stevo profile picture


sit down. put some trousers on. have some food. have something to drink. think about how to have a g

About Me

sit down. put some trousers on. have some food. have something to drink. think about how to have a good time.

My Interests

Music, reading, films, djing, playing would you rather

I'd like to meet:







Spaced, Phoenix Nights, Peepshow, Adam and Joe, League of Gentlemen (series three mainly), family guy, nathan barley, big train, alan partridge, the day today, brass eye, the mighty boosh, dr. who, the sopranos, curb your enthusiasm, arrested development


1984, How to lose friends and alienate people, Are you Dave Gorman? Heart of darkness, Catch 22, The Autograph Man, The Tao of Pooh, Sophies World, Tony Benn The Diaries, do garbage pail kids stickers count? they've got words on them...


sheriff john burnell, derek smalls

My Blog

"song for the fields" - video

afternoon, check out the video for the most recent addition to the atlantic roster, fields, on this link here, i love it! =15 big up team fi...
Posted by stevo on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 07:22:00 PST

the history of dance music

hey everyone, seriously, this website is amazing. it links every type, genre and sub category of dance music ever invented with thousands of samples on it. i'm with tobes on this one, terrorcore has g...
Posted by stevo on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 10:22:00 PST