Home Sweet Home |
Doing some spring cleaning today, in preparation for house-guests this weekend. I swoon over the scent of murphy's oil soap, lemon pledge, and white laundry that smells like fabric softener and bleach... Posted by Lenore on Thu, 15 May 2008 10:49:00 PST |
Butternut Squash Khoresh |
I just cooked one of the most delicious dinners I have ever made. I can't wait for Steve to get home and taste this. I have been sneaking little spoonfuls here and there, just in awe of it. It's my ad... Posted by Lenore on Wed, 14 May 2008 04:20:00 PST |
Cargohydrates. |
Picture this. A four year old (four TODAY), who has a daddy who is a nutritionist. A few hours after her birthday party ends, it is finally time for dinner. Her Nana makes the birthday girl's special ... Posted by Lenore on Sun, 11 May 2008 06:12:00 PST |
The Yaya is on her way! |
Leaving for MD soon! Busy packing today. Our niece, Princess Samantha (sometimes Pirate Samantha, depending on her mood du jour. "LET'S PLAY, ME HAW-TEEES! COME AWN UNKA STEEVE ME HAW-TEE! COME AWN AU... Posted by Lenore on Thu, 08 May 2008 05:54:00 PST |
A Day at The Farm |
Yesterday was the big event at The Golden Earthworm Farms, where our local CSA food co-op's home base is. The Golden Earthworm is 100 acres split into two parts, one being 40 and the other being 60. O... Posted by Lenore on Mon, 05 May 2008 06:03:00 PST |
Face Painting, Psychology of Play, and Square Dancing Dreams |
I'm pretty happy right now! We are going to go visit our niece and one of our nephews soon, for our niece's birthday. Samantha is one of the biggest joys in my life, and she rocks my world. Her little... Posted by Lenore on Fri, 02 May 2008 08:38:00 PST |
Pot-smoke, cheap cinema, and The White Castle. |
Tuesday nights are "movie night" in the Koppelman household. There is a local theatre which shows really cheap movies on Tuesday nights. Only $4 a ticket! It feels like the sort of movie theatre that ... Posted by Lenore on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 02:56:00 PST |
My Theme Song |
One of my favoritest songs on the planet, since I was a wee one and first saw the movie as a kid. I have had this little ditty playing in my head since I was about 10 years old. It came on one of my D... Posted by Lenore on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:54:00 PST |
So excited! |
I am SUPER EXCITED to have one of my very best friends on the planet coming to visit me soon! She is going to be here in mid May, and I already have planned out a ton of stuff for us to do. She and I ... Posted by Lenore on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 05:16:00 PST |
Roadside stand nostalgia |
I love NYC more than just about any other city. I wouldn't live anywhere else! But there are a few things I do miss about living in the south. I grew up in New Orleans, and then lived in Florida for a... Posted by Lenore on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 07:38:00 PST |