AOL Instant Messenger: HB biznacho85Hang on, I'm gonna re-do all of this in the next couple weeks.Also, don't send a friend request without sending a message first. Unless I know you. Friend request away, if I know you.HEY LOOK A SURVEY!
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Orange Juice
Beverage (alc) ? Gin
Color ? Green or Blue
Food ? Foreign
Item of clothing ? Pants
Meal of the day ? Dinner
Feature on yourself ?
Quality in a guy/girl ? Easy to get along with
Phrase ?
Song ?
Musical Artist/Band ?
Sport ? Sports aren't my Sport
Movie ?
TV Show ?
Radio Station ? 103.1
Type of Chocolate ? Milk Chocolate with Nuts
Eye Color ? Blue
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? Yes
Smoke ? Once in a while
Drink ? Yup
Have any piercings ? Yup, tongue
Have any tatoos ? Nope
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend Nope
Had sex ? Yup
Gone streaking ? Nope
Gone skinny dipping ? Nope
Been to Europe ? Nope
Been to an island ? Yup
Had stitches ? Nope
Broken any bones ? Nope
Been stabbed/shot ? I once almost got shot at, does that count?
Slept until after 12:00 ? On a regular basis, yes
Stayed up all night ? Yup
Danced like a whore ? Nope
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? Nope
Turned down a dare ?
Which friend....
Is the funniest ?
Is the prettiest ?
Is the most handsom ?
Is the loudest ?
Is the craziest ?
Is the most shy ?
Is the most loving ?
Is the most understanding ?
Is the richest ?
Is the most athletic ?
Is the most cocky ?
Is the biggest sex icon ?
Is the most wordly/cultured ?
Do you look up to the most ?
Do you tell everything to ?
Has the best clothes ?
Has the best house ?
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? Nope
Kiss someone of the same sex ? Not without a damn good reason
Cheat on someone you love ? Nope
Run away from home ? Nope
Lie to your parents ? Yup
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? Nope
Lie to your best friend ? Yup (if I have a REALLY good reason)
Give a homeless person money ? Yup
Run from the police ? Nope
Bungee jump ? Yup
Sky dive ? Yup
Cross dress ? Nope
Be an exotic dancer ? Who would pay to see me naked?
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? Nope
Scuba dive ? Yup
Go rock climbing ? Yup
Go spulunking (caving) ? Yup
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? Annoying
Bologna ? Yummy
Hott ? Hott Womens
Orange ? Juice
Real world ? I hate that show
Fuck ? You
Jack ? Off
Cucumber ? hehehe you know
Hip-Hop ? eh, ain't my thing
Uniform ? Naughty Nurse
UniCORN ! ? Why is the second half capitalized?
Rainbow ? Gay
Clown ? Porn