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Snakes McBlade

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is James, and I am funky.

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My Interests

Music, Record shopping, Movies, concerts, playing guitar, trying to play drums, thrift store hunting, filling my super-sexy ipod with hot erotic jams, etc.


THE MELVINS, The Rolling Stones, The Clash, Modest Mouse, Mogwai, Pelican, A Tribe Called Quest, Norma Jean, Elvis Costello, Hum, Violent Femmes, High On Fire, mazzy star, Bad Brains, Tom Waits, The Stooges, Mr. Bungle, The Dead Milkmen, L7, Gang Of Four, QOTSA, Black Flag, Depeche Mode, Bloodhound Gang, ABBA, Beastie Boys, Sonic Youth, Dillinger Escape Plan, Wilco, Bright Eyes, Dove, Leonard Cohen, The Roots, The Descendents, Bob Dylan, The Smiths, Portishead, CKY, Sunny Day Real Estate, The Postal Service, Built To Spill, Beatles, Underoath, Breeders, Eyehategod, Cardigans, Radiohead, The Meeting Places, Beck, Shins, Hot Hot Heat, pixies, The Misfits, Beep Beep, Death Cab for Cutie, Smashing Pumpkins, The Dead Kennedys, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, Isis, Helmet, New Order, Darkest Hour, My Chemical Romance, Interpol, Neurosis, Converge, Journey, The Human Echo, The Cure, Slayer, Fugazi, Weezer, Clutch, Johnny Cash, Nirvana, Dinosaur Jr, NIN, Biggie, Mudhoney, NOFX, Karp, Jesus Lizard, the beach boys, Fantomas, ludacris, old ice cube, 2pac, nas, Jay-Z, de la soul, black sheep, Public Enemy, Big Business, High On Fire, Outkast, Redman, Wu-Tang Clan, Geto Boys, Cypress Hill, Freeway, Mastodon, U2, Kanye West, NORA, R.E.M.,Lou Reed/ Velvet Underground, and a few thousand more that I can't think of, nor do you really care that much. Are you even reading this? Did you Click away when you saw ABBA on there? I listen to about everything except for commercial country, it's shit.


Pink Flamingos, Serial Mom, pretty much all the John Waters movies, The Life Aquatic, Fight Club, Dr. Strangelove, Platoon, The Blues Brothers, Taxi Driver, The Big Lebowski, Clockwork Orange, Blazing Saddles, 12 Monkeys, Team America, Kill Bill, Full Metal Jacket, Orgasmo, Clerks, Royal Tenenbaums, The Jerk, Blue Velvet, Napoleon Dynamite, JFK, Pulp Fiction, Snatch, Amelie, Memento, Ghostbusters, Gummo, The Evil Dead series, Office Space, I heart Huckabees, Eternal Sunshine, Jackie Brown, Natural Born Killers, Goodfellas, the OLD dawn of the dead, Fear and Loathing, Donnie Darko, Star Wars, Scarface, Casino, Raging Bull, all the Tarintino movies and scripts, and quite a few more. I like most Horror movies with the exception of shitty Hollywood adaptations, and Teenie-Bopper cookie cutter movies.


Mr. Show, The Simpsons, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, South Park, Twin Peaks, The Daily Show, Metalocalypse, The Colbert Report, The Brak Show, Conan O'Brian, Tom Goes To The Mayor, Family Guy, Kids In the Hall, Samurai Champloo, Strangers With Candy, Robot Chicken, Da Ali G show, and the greatest sitcom of all time Seinfeld!


Any book by Charles Bukowski, Chuck Palahniuk, Hunter S. Thompson, Cornell West, William S. Burroughs.


David Cross, Bill Hicks, Charles Bukowski, David Lynch, Hunter S. Thompson, Noam Chomsky, Jello Biafra, The Melvins, Henry Rollins, Joe Strummer, Mike Patton, Johnny Cash, and that fat kid who does the numa numa dance.

My Blog

Learning to cope with indifference....

I'm blogging.... Bloggity blog blog. I'm so sick of fake plastic people. Why do people think they are more important then they really are? I've had about enough of the human race in general. So many p...
Posted by Snakes McBlade on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 08:44:00 PST