RedSonjaXE Infinitas: UYU profile picture

RedSonjaXE Infinitas: UYU

You have no idea...of my potential...because your thinking is limiting your own potential.....~me

About Me

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." ~~Lao Tzu

I am everything I observe and the observer as well...I am existence..

I think I would do a great injustice if I attempted to give you a description of who I am. In the words of Deepak Chopra lets just say: "I am infinite forms and phenomena". " I am the Thinker, the thought, the word, and the flesh". Although I am always the same person, my persona is in constant state of change/growth as I am expanding potential. Always changing, learning and growing.
I believe life has so much to offer us. It's all about which way we want to view it. Which attitude we choose and what we want to create. Life isn't about what we are force fed to believe. I believe there are infinite possibilities its just a matter of our beliefs and what we want out of it.
I'm in awe at the diversity and flavors that life has to offer, all the different cultures that we as humans have come up with. I'm extremely interested in travel and different cultures and people. It fascinates me and at the same time moves me. The colors of other cultures, the food, the music...completes more of the puzzle. I seek to remove all the shackles we place on ourselves, via our own thoughts, ignorance, denial or fears. Its an amazing feeling... freedom! To me differences are the catalyst for choice...which equals freedom. I reach beyond the borders we have created, I seek new adventures, and bask in the experiences.


I am a sensitive, aware passionate person who has an innate curiosity. This also empowers me to seek answers to questions most people never ask. I challenge people, sometimes I piss them off and sometimes even inspire them. I am not afraid to say whats on my mind. I perceive that I am often misunderstood as I think outside the box. I seek freedom in all forms, within myself and the outer world and don't have a need to be liked by the whole human race, fit into a group or validated for "my" beliefs. Tho it would be nice from time to time. I am also extremely selective about whom I spend my time with. I dislike intentful ignorance and steer clear from certain types of energies in people. If you are seeking or subscribe to the victim mentality, please know now I will not assist you in recreation of it. I'm told I'm a strong woman, thou I don't always feel that way. Quality is key and I am making sure to set my standards high, in everything I do and am! And as for those that can't meet them, I can only say I wish you much success in your own endeavors.
“Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress.” ~ Gandhi

My Interests

This is my personal page: Visit my travel page for more on me:

Living the adventure “I do not accept any absolute formulas for living. No preconceived code can see ahead to everything that can happen in a man’s life. As we live, we grow and our beliefs change. They must change. So I think we should live with this constant discovery. We should be open to this adventure in heightened awareness of living. We should stake our whole existence on our willingness to explore and experience.”..
-- Martin Buber

Hey everyone, Traveling soon? Book your travel with me, im always available to help. My Instant message on yahoo is onlinetravelguru

Word of the Day
Quotation of the Day

Co-creation starts with imagination" It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question."
-- Decouvertes


Snack: Turkish Pistachios (or white ones)
Perfume: Angel by Thierry Mugler, or Soul
Scents/Oils: Sandlewood, Myrrh, Patchouli, Nag Champa, Rose
Dance: Salsa and Belly Dance
Men: Alpha, Mature and Latin
art: Peter Lik Cooking
Caffeine intake: RedBull
Color: Red, purple, blue
Soap: Glycerin: Brazilian Phebo
Candy: Bottle Caps, Fish & Fruit Slices
Drink: Margarita, Mojitos, Caipirinhas, y Gran Patron
Language: Spanish
Car: Mustang
Tree: Weeping Willow
Love: w/Romance, intimacy and passion!
Food: International and yum Baba Ganoush
Gemstone: Moonstone y Labradorite
Flower: Sunflowers
Travel: Almost Anywhere
Pizza: Pepperoni
Walks, Tennis, Swimming, Roller Skating
Camping, the outdoors, nature
Dreaming, Quiet time, party time
Cultures: Most; Latin my most favorite
Observing: People, the universe and the unseen
Learning and growing
Art and Photography
Pets: Cats
Daily Drink: Water
Tea: Earl Grey or Brewed unsweetened
Fruit Flavor: Mango or Strawberry
Having fun and laughing
Books: see below
Music: most forms specially Salsa and Arabic
Cereal: Strawberry Mini Wheats
& Lucky Charms


Some of my beliefs - Listen here: Coast to Coast on Earth Changes

I'd like to meet:

I am single for those who keep asking. Several reasons, one of the main reasons, is I have noticed its been hard to meet someone to match my intellect and spirituality interests. While looks matter to some degree, I prefer someone to WOW me with their intellect, their essence, their sensuality, their masculinity (but not brutality), their depth, their soul, their ability to learn and grow and want more in life and last but not least their sense of emotional maturity.
An article I found once in Esquire 10 years ago or so...This says a lot by Robert Bly:
Who is a Wildman? Who is NOT is a savage man-brutal, macho, war making, earth Destroying man.
The Wildman resembles a Zen priest a shaman or a woodsman...more than a savage."
He is spontaneous and sexual, a position holder, an action taker, a boundary definer, a protector ot the earth. The church is frightened of him, businesses hate him and because he has real authority and is not afraid to use it women love and respect him .

I love to meet people who wish to share and connect who are KIND!!! People who are on the path of awareness and see beyond the illusions. While I think I can learn from everyone I prefer to correspond with those who have a sense of emotional maturity and are open minded. Mean people need not apply.

People should be warned, while you are free to express yourself on myspace here, I do not accept comments on my page that objectify people, they will be deleted. I am interested in networking and real relationships with people. I welcome people of all cultures and ethnic backgrounds...

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." ~ Richard Bach: Illusions

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I wanted to live deep and suck all the marrow of life....
-- Henry David Thoreau, author of Walden

Nothing exists except atoms and empty space;
everything else is opinion.

- Democritus of Abdera

I love taking Pictures, heres a few I have taken

The Secret
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Some good Reggaeton Radio Station

For some Arabic/Bellydance: Bellydance Radio

Listen to the guru's at HayHouse; For the spirit

I'm always on the quest to hear something new that moves or stimulates me. I have over 600 CD's in my collection which ranges from New music to old music, from Heavy Rock and Roll, Alternative to cultural/world music. Right now my focus is on international and ethnic music. I love Latin music, Salsa, Bachata, Carribean/Reggae, Reggaeton, Merengue, Flamenco and Peruvian, Middle Eastern, Bolivian, Arabic, Lebanon, Australian too. There are some great tunes on Soundtracks as well. Here is a partial list ...of some of my mood music:

Nat King Cole, Alejandro Sanz, Marc Anthony, VAS, Loreena McKennitt , Enya, Robbie Robertson, Carlos Naki, Jessie Cook, Josh Groban, Pure Moods Collection, Belly Dance Music, Mists of Avalon : Original Television Soundtrack, The Language of Rhythm: Drumming from North & South India Mishra/Manna/Bhattacharya/Subr, Music for Kama Sutra - Craig Pruess, Windham Hill , Ottmar Liebert & Luna Negra, Enigma, Peace Orchestra, Moroccan Spirit, Jesse Cook, Flamenco; A Windham Hill collections.

Alejandro Sanz - His voice does things to me...


Old films, Musicals, Historical, Romance and Fantasy films are my favorite. Then theres also Drama and Comedy.

Here are a just a few:
South Pacific 1958, Lust for Life 1956, The Secret, Time of the Butterflies, Happy Feet, Love and Sex, EVITA!, FIDEL, The Waking Life, What the Bleep Do We Know, Crash, Chocolat, Memoirs of a Geisha, What Dreams May Come, The Last of the Mohicans, Interview of a Vampire, Dances with Wolves, 28 Days later, West Side Story, Braveheart, Desperado, Bullet Proof Munk, Don Juan Demarco, Kill Bill series, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Star Wars, Hero, Fight Club, Forrest Gump, Frieda, Pirates of the Carribean, Crash, The Last Samuri, Man in the Iron Mask, Zorro of course!!, Van Helsing, Mists of the Avalon, Sex and Lucia, Underworld.....and so much more.


Lost and Rome, Rock of Love, Sex in the City, That 70's show, The Apprentice, Myth Busters, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Sci-Fi, and yes I like reality TV shows...most of this is usually set as background noise.


Most types of...informational, health, spiritual, physics, quantum physics, metaphysics.
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Gladwell, Malcolm, The Huna way by Serge King, Practicing the Power of NOW, Power of Intentions by Wyne Dyer, Finding Freedom in an unfree world, Everyday Immortality; Deepak, Tony Robbins various CDs, If the Buddah dated, Me: Five Years from now...etc

MY Most favorites: Illusions-by Richard Bach, The Four Agreements - by Don Miguel Ruiz, The Alchemist - Paulo Culeho

Some others: Beyond Good and Evil, Thoughts out of Season Part I, and Thus Spake Zarathustra A Book For All and None by F. Nietzsche and also The Rebel by Albert Camus

Got any good suggestions for me?


I don't have much of an idolization gene, but ...Max Plank for his work on Quantum Physics is pretty cool with me.

Also, people who are in the process of realizing their fullest potential and who prefer to OVERCOME their fears. Bravo!

For enlightenment check this link out, listen to it all.
Coast to Coast on Earth Changes

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.and better"

Some see things as they are and say why - I see things that never were and say why not.

My Blog

More on Screaming babies ..and 15 items or less...

Hey everyone, OK..this is not so much a venting blog but an opinion seeking blog.  Im curious what you all out there think...seriously, even if our opinions might be different im curious to know ...
Posted by RedSonjaXE Infinitas: UYU on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 04:51:00 PST

Setting Boundaries; protecting oneself

Hello everyone,Its been some time since I have come to write a personal deep blog. I do miss writing but for some time I have been to busy to contemplate deep things. After a conversation with a frie...
Posted by RedSonjaXE Infinitas: UYU on Wed, 28 May 2008 09:26:00 PST

The month of April..

Hello hello hello world...and all my myspace/blog friendsIts been sometime since I last much has been going on.  I have been so busy...but more than anything sick!  I miss communic...
Posted by RedSonjaXE Infinitas: UYU on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 03:50:00 PST

Me-die-val Torture - DBD blog

= Aka Death by Dating   Well folks welcome back. Some of you might remember my good ole dating blog.  Well im leaving that one behind and starting this new one.  Because I have act...
Posted by RedSonjaXE Infinitas: UYU on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 10:59:00 PST

Girl...double standard vs Woman understanding

Read at the very bottom of all the commentsSo I have been wondering...As I have been "involved" with personals now, why it is..that grown men (which I stopped calling boys for years now)  call wo...
Posted by RedSonjaXE Infinitas: UYU on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 09:47:00 PST

The human brain - right and left : Brain Scientist ....

This was awesome...must see this.This is an amazing (ONLY 18 min) video of a brain scientist describing her expanded experience during a stroke and is a reminder that we can step into this experience ...
Posted by RedSonjaXE Infinitas: UYU on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 07:29:00 PST

(Updated) Here we go again, personals ad

Update March 21 2008:OK, so I have had a few bites...well not litterally now calm down.  LOL.  I have had a few messages with interest.  YAY me.  I think I will start up datin...
Posted by RedSonjaXE Infinitas: UYU on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:33:00 PST

Dear ROOMIE ...Reflecting on those that give you a chance...

Today’s my roomies Bday!  YAY, Happy Birthday roomie. So I tend to reflect on what the person means to me, etc.  I wanted to spoil her or at least do something special, because I can n...
Posted by RedSonjaXE Infinitas: UYU on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 03:15:00 PST

Politics, power and sex .. ?

So you may have heard on the news lately about the politician and the prostitution ring?  THere seems to be a lot of it going around.  I have read some things also about Larry King (not the ...
Posted by RedSonjaXE Infinitas: UYU on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 09:06:00 PST

Who is a Wildman, and who he is not...(Alpha)

I was having a conversation with a girlfriend of mine and she started on the path of "what I want in a man".  It reminded me of something I cut out of a magazine over 10 years ago and retyped int...
Posted by RedSonjaXE Infinitas: UYU on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 08:16:00 PST