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Musician and composer!Bands: SYKSY,Murskahumppa
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body { I Have wife, one child and another is coming /also dog and cat and thats the fact!

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SYKSY CD-EP “PSYKOHAUVA” on NYT ilmestynyt ja tilattavissa tästä Levykauppa Äx:stä !

SYKSY CD-EP “PSYKOHAUVA” ORDERS FROM HERE ! Engligh pages by Recordshop X. Use credit cards or Paypal.

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Add to My Profile | More Videos[url=http://www.myspace.com/syksynsavel] SYKSY: PSYKOHAUVA CD-EP koekuuntelussa TÄSSÄ videoineen! Uusi video tulossa.[/url][url=http://www.myspace.com/syksynsavel][img]h ttp://www.pro-records.net/kuva/2056luut300.jpg[/img][/url]


Terveet Kädet,Juice,Birdfishmen ----------------------------------------------------------De couverts sur leur espace Myspace, les finlandais de SYKSY viennent de sortir leur premier MCD sur le label Propaganda qui s'est spécialisé dans la réédition des vieux groupes mythiques des années 80. Il y a cinq titres sonnant relativement rock heavy - si on peut les cataloguer ainsi - mais il en ressort immediatement un HIT intitulé "Psykohauva". Une pure merveille, un tube, un hymne qui se coince entre vos oreille et ne vous lache plus. Ce morceau vaut a lui seul l'achat de ce disque. A decouvrir de toute urgence. Caps / Combat Rock ___________________________________________________________D iscovered on their myspace page, the finband SYKSY (finnish people from Finland) have just released their first MCD on Propaganda-label, usually specialised on re-editions of old finnish classic hardcore bands such as Terveet Kädet and Appendix. Here you have 5 tracks sounding relatively Heavy if we could catalogue them this way...but a track called "Psykohauva", that is "Psychodoggie", immediately stood out of the whole. A pure beauty, a real HIT, a hymn that stays stuck between your two ears and refuses to leave. Just that one track makes it worth buying the cd. Discover your inner Psychodoggie with SYKSY as soon as possible! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@DO WNLOAD SYKSY EP - Lataa SYKSYN Psykohauvan ulvonnat näistä kaupoista: MTV3 Lataa SYKSY: PSYKOHAUVA myös tästä: SYKSY

SYKSY: MUUTTOLINTU for sale now !
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


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Add to My Profile | More Videoshttp://pro-records.net/propaganda/syksypsyko400.jpg




John Steinbeck,John Irving,Jorma Ojaharju , Mika Waltari,Mika Lätti


Scoopy,Skädä Häggänen and Lempi ( Rabbit dog) =========================================================== SYKSY..s Autumn Leaves/ INFO SheetFinnband SYKSY(=autumn) was born in sauna sometime during 1980..s, then named Independent. Singer-songwriter Heikki Lätti (then almost 16 years old) and drummer Tero Tolvanen (13 years) describe the first years "Lots of cigarstubs got smoked while banging milkcanisters and throwing chainsaws."Independent sang in english till Heikki Lätti got bored and started writing in finnish. At the same time band..s name was changed to SYKSY.First official SYKSY was Anssi Huotari(g), Esa Issakainen(g), Jere Venäläinen(keyboards), Antti Hassinen(b), Tero Tolvanen(dr) and Heikki Lätti(voc). They won bandcompetition for new talents in 1996 and as a prize some studiotime. Demo was made and that lead to recording contract with Zantar Music. Album Koskematon ( =Untouchable) came out in 1998, sided with 2 singles, Apina (=Ape) and KukaMitäMikäMissä? (=WhoWhatWhenWhere?).Esa Issakainen left the band to start a career as a UN-soldier in Kosovo, Antti Hassinen went to play in BMG "project girlband Gimmel" and Heikki Lätti moved to Helsinki with Tero Tolvanen. SYKSY continued as a trio with Jari Pekkonen as a bassman.In 2002 Heikki Lätti got married and moved back to the home ranch. New songs started pouring out. As a result Metsurin Kyynel (Tear of a Lumberjack)-ep that came out in 2006, Psykohauva (Psychodoggie) in 2007 and videos of the afore mentioned. They..re distributed in France by Combat Records (and highly recommended also!) Metsurin Kyynel-video was seen in Tampere ShortFilmFestivals , considered very remarkable festival in europe, and well liked. New SYKSY-album will be out about september 2007 on Propaganda. At the moment SYKSY is Heikki Lätti (g, voc), Jari Pekkonen (b), Tero Tolvanen (dr) and Esa Issakainen (g). Jere Venäläinen (keyboards) concentrates at the moment in his family and Varkaus Theater.

My Blog

Suspects dc Live 11/29/2001 "You stupid jerk"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgZXr9EEHV8 Heikki of Syksy enjoyd your live at Dc...
Posted by Heikki on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 09:28:00 PST

Syksy-Live at net-TV

SYKSY pe 4.4.2008 GASTHAUS, Heinävesi - LIVE NETTI-TV !   See Syksy -live in their home village,also Teuvo Tontti making statue using chainsaw!     Live net-TV Friday 4.4. 22.00-24.00 ...
Posted by Heikki on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 01:32:00 PST

Psykohauva breeds!

SYKSY HITS ETHER WITH THE LEGENDS!!         Syksy´s Psykohauva was selected into PUNK ROCK RADIO SAMPLER 2008, a compilation-cd of a radiodj Punkpunkgoose´s all-time-favourites. Pu...
Posted by Heikki on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 05:18:00 PST

Psykohauva kokoelmalevylle USA:ssa.

Syksy Psykohauva kokoelmalevylle USA:ssa. Kyseinen julkaisu kerää Punkpunkgoose radio dj´n suosikit samalle cd:lle ja joka jaetaan 75 radioasemalle ja 60 dj:lle ympäri maata.Levyllä on paljon legendaa...
Posted by Heikki on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 04:06:00 PST

Syksy keikalla pe 30.11-07: Simo Hurtta Lieksa

 METSURIROCKIA!>> vastaa 30.11 2007 Lieksan Simo Hurtassa esiintyvän Syksyn nokkamies>  Heikki> Lätti kysymykseen miten Syksy itse määrittelisi musiikkinsa. - Antaa>  muiden> laulaa kat...
Posted by Heikki on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 11:03:00 PST