Silent Sister profile picture

Silent Sister

I have to believe that sin can make a better man ~ ~Martin Gore

About Me

Music is why I am here. It is the only way I can connect without putting my foot into my mouth. I play it, spin it,write it, sing it...whenever I get the chance. Musically speaking, things are going quite well!! I believe in finding what you love, and then do it. That's all we have, truly. I am one of those creative people that probably would get on a "normal" person's nerves. Whatever the hell normal is, (beside a washing machine setting). I see light and sound in everything...especially color.Here's two of my "paintings":I miss the ocean so much. I am a land-locked water person...arrgh! One of my favorite spots on Earth so far is Solimar. I also love the Northwest: Seattle, Vancouver, BC.I love cats....except when they shit on your bed!!This is my DM and other favorite music and shwag space. Go to for more of my own creations.Here's a photo of Mart from the devotional tour that I played with one night being bored.WHO PAINTED THIS? Err, umm, ya. When did you visit my head? .. Leo Nemesis By SilentSister - Tek House
1 - 0:00 - Pleasure - Little Treasure - Depeche Mode - Mute
2 - 4:48 - 2 far Gone - Mark O. & John D - Intergroove
3 - 8:56 - Cool Wet Grass - Audiofly vs. James Talk - Physical
4 - 14:20 - 2bum bum - Ada - Areal
5 - 19:00 - 2 Far Gone: Echo Locationq - Mark O. & John D - Intergroove
6 - 22:11 - So Far So Close - Einzelkind - Physical
7 - 26:13 - Don't Stop the Dance - Elbee Bad - Physical
8 - 29:53 - You're Mine (Tim Deluxe Remix) - Pressure Drop - GSR
9 - 34:23 - It Feels So Good (Marco Passarani Remix) - John Dahlback - Systematic/Intergroove
10 - 37:17 - Just You - DJ Lava - Physical
11 - 40:33 - Gamma - Trentemoller & Buda - KickinMusic
12 - 48:13 - I Love You (Adam Beyer & Lenk Dub) - Phil Kieran - Yoshitoshi
13 - 52:31 - I Feel Space (Tomba Spezial Space Tiefscwarztablerockeredit) - Lindstrom - Playhouse
14 - 56:01 - Satellites - Emanuel Heinstein - Global Underground(Dubfire #31)
15 - 63:18 - Daybreak (Jona Remix) - Daso - Physical
16 - 70:27 - Das Lied Vom Einsamen Madchen - Martin L. Gore - Mute
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I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Freaking KILLER FAN video for JTR.....GREAT video work, even if you don't like the content...however it speaks volumes for me! .. width="425" height="350" ..
My Flixster

My Interests

Music, mysticism, synchronicity, life
7 Deadly Sins
PRIDE (Deadliest of Sins)
Have you ever thought you were better than anybody else?: ya
How many competative sports do you do, and what are they?: none
When in a group, is it your way or no way?: nope
How much time do you spend in front of the mirror?: quite a bit
What religion are you?: other
When you are sitting in your place of worship, do you actually listen?: ya
Do you show good sportsmanship or do you rub it in their face?: I actually got a trophy for that when I was a kid
Do you tend to love yourself?: not really
Can you be Vain?: can't we all just a little?
Are you arrogant in some ways?: in some
When watching a reality TV show, do you say : I do NOT watch reality TV
Do your sights overthrow your ability?: when then do, I make myself better
Do you HAVE to be the best?: no
Does the pride of others bother you?: Ego sux
ENVY (The love of other peoples personal things)
Do you wish you could be in someone elses shoes?: sometimes
When someone gets a gift, do you often wish it was yours?: no
If you had one wish, would it be for a personal item?: ya
Do you want to be a celebrity just for the stuff you get?: not for the stuff
Have you ever used someone for their stuff?: no
Do you wish to be a model so people will look at you?: no
Have you ever used prayer so god will give you something?: do you pray? you have too
Have you every truly Loved someone?: I don't know
Do you take pleasure in doing service work?: ya
In your life, how many servise projects have you done?: can't count em all
Do you honestly like doing it for nothing?: ya it makes me feel good
Do you throw the word want around?: ya
ANGER (The Emotion of the Falsely Righteous)
What gets you angry?: the way the world is run
What do you do when you are angry?: rant
Are you and angry person?: i can be
Do people fear you when you are angry?: Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry
Do you have a short fuse?: I used to, but getting longer the older I get
What gets you more angry, words or actions?: empty words
Who gets you the most angry?: government, and people who THINK they are special
Have people told you you need anger management?: no
Are you a kind person?: Most of the time
Does anger give you energy?: Shaky and sick
Do you have to count to ten when in a fight?: no, I only make it to one
Have you ever gotten in a verbal fight?: ya
Have you ever gotten in a phisical fight?: ya
SLOTH (Even the busy can be lazy)
How often do you do nothing?: more than I should
Do you have a job?: ya
Do you enjoy doing manual labor?: ya
if so how often do you do it?: every day
How much junk do you eat?: a couple times a week
Do you sleep a lot?: I love bed
Do you cringe at the sound of manual labor?: no
Have you fallen asleep in class? Whose?: ya, Social Studies in HS
How many hours of TV do you watch?: maybe 10 a week
How often do you neglect people?: not on purose, only when Im busy, not often
Have you ever had to do something but said oh, im too lazy?: fuck ya....if you haven't you are lying
Do you over use the term, i'll do it later?: sometimes
How often do you take the time to do things all the way through?: I hate repeating work, so most of the time
Do you actually do what your told?: depends on what it is
GREED (Constant want)
Do you love money?: NO
Do you love it more than people?: NO
Have you sold someone out for personal benefit?: NO
Do you have to get the best stuff out there?: only music gear
Do you give credit where credit is due?: ya and more peeps should too
Do you fear not being rich?: NO
Do you need the limelight?: I love it
Do you want power?: I have it
What do you fear?: failure
If it comes down to it, for love or money?: love
Do you donate to a charity?: no
if so, which?:
GLUTTONY (to overdo)
Do you use indugence to feel better?: ya
Do you overeat?: sometimes
How many meals do you eat?: 2 or 3
Do you overdo?: only art type stuff
Do you demand too much of people?: only in music
You just :
Do you know when enough is enough?: I guess
What is your favorite food?: Any done RIGHT..I like GOOD food
What is your favorite drink?: red bull
How much of both do you have each week?: 5
Are you Overweight, or do you have a healthy lifestyle?: average
When you see something that you like, do you have to have it?: depends
LUST (Constant want of the body)
How many Girlfriends/Boyfriends have you ever had?: can't count
How many in the past month?: 2
Are you into porn?: ya
Stripclubs?: ya
Can you control your urges?: most of the time
have you lost friends because of lust?: ya
Do people get the impression you are a slut/whore: depends on who you talk to and how well they know me
Did you like this quiz?: ya its cool
After finishing, which sin do you most represent?: Lust
What can you do to try and break free of it?: love myself first
Which sin do you least represent?: greed
Will you tell people about this quiz?: sure
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
You scored as Mermaid. Mermaid: Mermaids are also known as Sirens. These creatures were beautiful women who tricked sailors into becoming completely entranced by their haunting voices and found death soon after. Not all stories of Mermaids are about gentle loving sea people. They are mystical, magical, and extremely dangerous. They have a way about them that brings anyone they are around to seem enchanted. They are very mysterious creatures and to meet one... Would mean certain Death. Let the song of the Sea fill your soul, for you are a Mermaid.












What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
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I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in electronica, music production, androgyne, seeing the "microcosm with macrovision", dreams and reality, technology, the ocean & hope.Which Depeche Mode album are you?

You are truly an amazing specimen. You're one of the greatest albums of all time according to RollingStone. Every song on you is perfection

Which Member of Depeche Mode are you?
You're Alan Wilder.
quiz !

You Are Lightning
Beautiful yet dangerous
People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence

You are best known for: your power

Your dominant state: performing What Type of Weather Are You?
Your Personality Is Like Acid
A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.
One moment you're in your own little happy universe...
And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell! What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
Your Heart Is Purple
For you, love is about establishing and developing a deep connection.
If it's true love, it brings you more wisdom and inner strength.

Your flirting style: Sincere

Your lucky first date: An afternoon at a tea house

Your dream lover: Is both thoughtful and expressive

What you bring to relationships: Understanding What Color Heart Do You Have? My pirate name is: Captain Ethel Cash Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. You're musical, and you've got a certain style if not flair. You'll do just fine. Arr!


Depeche Mode, Recoil, Ladytron, Goldfrapp, LCD Soundsystem, Miss Kittin, Client, Nitzer Ebb, VNV Nation,DK7, Fischerspooner, Hugg & Pepp, Basteroid, Metope, NIN, FSOL, A Perfect Circle, Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters......WAY TOO MANY TO NAME!!! Anything that is creative and from the heartWhat I currently am into electronically: Acid House, Retro, Techno, Hard House, Minimal tech Which Depeche Mode song are you?
Barrel of a Gun--harsh and gritty, you're feeling the pains of life and just wish people would leave you be.
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What genre of Depeche Mode are you?
You're somewhere in middle eighies.You love blasphemy and bondage but you seem like no one understands you.
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KILLER LYRICS: With one breath, with one flow You will know SynchronicityA sleep trance, a dream dance, A shared romance, SynchronicityA connecting principle, Linked to the invisible Almost imperceptible Something inexpressible. Science insusceptible Logic so inflexible Causally connectible Yet nothing is invincible.If we share this nightmare Then we can dream Spiritus mundi.If you act, as you think, The missing link, Synchronicity.We know you, they know me Extrasensory Synchronicity.A star fall, a phone call, It joins all, Synchronicity.It's so deep, it's so wide Your inside Synchronicity.Effect without a cause Sub-atomic laws, scientific pause SynchronicityHave we forgotten? Thank you for those, Sting.


A Scanner Darkly, LOTR Trilogy, Matrix Trilogy and Animatrix, Running Man, Bladerunner, The Cell, THX 1138, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Zoolander, All John Hughes '80s films, Ladyhawke, Groove, Go, What the Bleep Do We Know ?, Donnie Darko, A Clockwork Orange, Fahrenheit 451, Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Amadeus, Somewhere in Time, Le Laisons Dangereuse, Clean and Sober, Requiem for a Dream, Singles, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and the Chappell's show DVD ...yeeaahhhsss Which Depeche Mode Video Are You?
Lets get married in Vegas baby! Youre Its No Good. Somewhat sleazy, swarmy but still sleek and cool, youre also a bit lecherous with the ladies. But dont worry. If you do a duet with Britney Spears you will be back on the pop charts.
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Not much---but when I do watch it's usually The Family Guy, Simpsons, or something on Discovery. Cartoons explain reality so much better than reality sometimes.


The last one I read cover to cover: Scar Tissue by Anthony Keidis Reading Sex, Drugs Einstein and Elves by Clifford Pickover right now. Next tackle: some fiction: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.


Martin Gore,Dave Gahan, Alan Wilder & "Fletch"( I don't care what anyone says, you rock on stage brotha!), Trent Reznor, John Maxwell Taylor, Lance Armstrong, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Anthony Keidis, Carl Jung, Trinity, Jean Grey, and all the other keepers of the lost sheep. All of my friends who know my heart....and Pac-Man!

My Blog


past, present and future, we have them for a reason.We are told not to idolize, and then have shows like American Idol.There is something magical when you view a hero in your life as a human being, ju...
Posted by Silent Sister on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 11:43:00 PST

Emo = 80 -1 generation

Tonight this much younger man and I got into a conversation at work about Emo. He started to make fun of it a little, and then I said what about the 80's? I mean, we had The Cure, R.E.M., and OMD (OMG...
Posted by Silent Sister on Sat, 05 May 2007 10:53:00 PST

What's with the freakin numbers?

For a year now  about 90% of the time, when I look at a clock, a recording time, an effects setting,  gas prices, bills,.....pretty much anything having to do with numbers, they are lined up...
Posted by Silent Sister on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 11:59:00 PST

Blasphemous Rumours

Recently I have been noticing a lot of chatter on the internet that G-D doesn't exist. I have my own doubts, but it is more of the question, what is G-D? Even the greatest intellectual thinkers can ra...
Posted by Silent Sister on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 07:21:00 PST


Lyrics that sum it up.......One of my favorite songs from HS. First fan club I ever joined, and one of my first pieces of vinyl I bought on my own. Howard Jones was freaking cool, and a huge influence...
Posted by Silent Sister on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 03:43:00 PST

Tag --- You're It!!

Okay, so my bro Cruller sent this over to me, so I gotta do it. I am supposed to write 8 facts about myself, and then tag 6 more peeps to do the same. So, here goes: 1. My brain is like a non-soaking ...
Posted by Silent Sister on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 09:39:00 PST

History's Walls

Does anybody see this, or is it just me? How hate cycles throughout history? We build a wall, then we tear one down, hundreds of years later, it comes back around. A different place, a different t...
Posted by Silent Sister on Wed, 17 May 2006 06:04:00 PST

DM connection part 3

Hey cool. You're back!! All of this has brought us up to Denver, where I currently reside. I was a full-blown DM fan by now. My attitude toward life had totally changed. Probably, because during all o...
Posted by Silent Sister on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 10:31:00 PST

My DM connection continues....... (Part II)

You're back for more? WOW..... thanks. So where did I leave off? Oh yeah, Violator was out when I lived in LA. I remember my husband's brother playing Somebody on the piano at the time when we were d...
Posted by Silent Sister on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 08:49:00 PST

Alright...My DM connection...for anyone that has one 2! Part 1

Okay all. Since I've hooked up with some of the "swarm" out there, I guess I'll share my story with you. It would sound meaningless to most, but I realize that we all have our connection with some kin...
Posted by Silent Sister on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 06:23:00 PST