[♥]...TainteDesirE...[♥] profile picture


Uhhhh...do you know who I AM?

About Me

Me, mE, ME:
oh and more me
i'm just me .
i Live in SoCal.Total ValleyGirl!
i Love having fun and I'm extremely open minded
i'm the girl with a smile always on her face. Always ready to meEt new pEople.
i'M extreMely aMbitious and a little Bit c0uraGeous.
Im ubeR obSessEd with aNythiNg HawAiian
i try t0 make tHe most oUt of eVery moMent i'm bleSsed with.
i'm a huge huGe HUGE nerd and i'm pRoud of it. Hopeless Romantic.
Very Opinionated but willing to hear others.
I stand up for myself aNd will oWn you in an aRguMent anyday.
compassionate. i'm wAy t0o nice f0r my own g0od.i .
I believe when y0u put your mind to soMething, tHe possibilities are endleSs.
I'm really friendly. Ima Dreamer.
I'm passionate ab0ut subjects that eRk me. i can be shy.
i LOVE life.
i love happy people and knowing that you have the power to make others SMILE. Sunny days.
I'm a self proclaimed GIRL. I Love MAkeup!
Ill always be Daddy's Lil Girl.
Always OptiMistic, i tend t0 see only the good things. My reality is soMetimes bluRred.
Ambitious. . I pretend im Mariah Carey in the Shower...ah sinGing wise.
Ima SmartaSs to the fullest and will kill y0u with chaRm or saRcasm...you cho0se :)
i'll fight for anything i believe in.
I love everything about the OCEAN and talking on the ph0ne for hours about AbSoLutely nothing.
loyal to tHe end to any0ne i call my fRiend. i would give myself c0mpLetely to the oNe i Love.
Self-less bUt stuBborn.
I'm not perfect by aNy means.
I have a LOT in life that I'm reAdy to tAke on.
i refuse to wASte my time, eNergy, and love on lost causes.
Sweet Mint Orbit GUM is :) I'm doWnriGht g0ofy. i blush when compliMented.
i belieVe you should expect NOTHING from ANYONE and expect a LOT from YOURSELF.
i've got aim ..want the name? ask me real nice. :) *MUAH*
As long as you put in the work, you can own the dream.
When the work stops, the dream disappears.
-- Jim Deitz.
Dream Of The Life
You Want To Live...
The sights you want to see..
The Skills you want to cultivate...
The you, you want to be.
Dream of the Life you want to live..
Then take your dream to heart...
In everything you do or say...
Let your dream play a part.
Let it be a shining star...
That guides you on your way...
Dream of the life you want to live...
Then LIVE your dream each day.

"Think "impossible" and dreams get discarded,
projects get abandoned,
and hope for wellness is torpedoed.
But let someone yell the words "It's possible,"
and resources we hadn't been aware of
come rushing in to assist us in our quest.
I believe we are all potentially brilliant and creative
--but only if we believe it,
only if we have an attitude of positive expectancy toward our ideas,
and only if we act on them."
- Greg Anderson
Make it a habit to tell people thank you.
To express your appreciation,
sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return.
Truly appreciate those around you,
and you'll soon find many others around you.
Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it.
-- Ralph Marston.
Action is eloquence.
Acting is my life and other than that-
my favorite thing to do is run,
I think the reason I like it so much is because it kind of signifies my life-
I can just keep pushing and run forever
to the point that it feels like I'm flying-
and in life
I can keep pushing until all of my dreams come true-
push through the hard times,
and before ya know it im Fly
I can do ANYTHING.
I like learning new things,
not only expanding my resume,
but gaining new ways to relate to the world, and those around me.
i started concentrating so hard on what i wanted. that i lost sought of what i had.

My Interests


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♥ Intellectual, deep, unexpected conversations!
♥ blasting My Music when Im Home Alone
♥ DresSing Up Girly EveRydaY!
♥ Photography * Shopping * Laughing * Dancing * PArtying * Beach Bumming
♥ Summer Days and Pink Night skiEs!
♥ MY FamiLy!
♥ Writing And GEtting FlowErs From SecreT AdmiRerS!
♥ the Feeling wheN You've Finished SomethiNg Big!
♥ Making A GenuiNe ConNectiON with SomeOne!
♥ my BEd
♥ Learning and Growing everyday.
♥ REaDing MagAzinEs aNd GoiNG To THe GyM!
♥ tHinKing About The FutUre
♥ KeePing A JouRnal, releasing my thoughts and feelings
♥ ReaDing What FriendS wrOte In My yeARbOokS years ago!
♥ LaugHing So HArD My FaCe HurTs and THE TeaRs Come DOwn!
♥ Having SomeonE to Call @ 3am tO VenT to!
♥ long LiNes At TheMe ParkS!
♥ FinDing MoneY In MY PocKEts
♥ That LoOk In SomeoNEs Eyes When They Feel exactly the same for YoU
♥ LiVing In CaLiForniA aNd BEing Able To Say I hATe It!
♥ just DrivINg AimLEssLy aNd SeeIng Where You ENd Up!
♥ REaLiZing SOme THinGs NEvER ChaNGE!
♥ Life LEsSOns and Learning From Your Mistakes!
♥ DiSneY MovIEs ANd THe NinJA TurTlEs!
♥ GeTTing PHotOs DevelOped!
♥ When SomeOne Just CAllS To sAy GooD Morning Or I Miss You!
♥ BeiNg Just plain Dorky
♥ the waY sand FEels BEtweeN My toeS
♥ DisCOvering NEw tHings ABout MYseLF!
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I'd like to meet:

Someone who inspires me every day.
Someone who I can learn from.
Someone who challenges me.
Someone who doesnt look at me and make assumptions or pass their judgement,
but rather takes the time to find out whats going on inside.
Someone who is artistic in their own right.
Someone who is happy with themselves
or is at least on the path to making sure their days are spent positively.
Someone that I cant get enough of.
Someone who is strong mentally, not only physically.
Someone who feeds my ears with thoughts and ideas and is able to express how they feel.
Someone with style, charisma,
a sparkle in their eyes,and a fire in their heart.

"Fascinating souls who find themselves captivated
by the brilliance of friendship and meaningful conversation."

Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you $50,000 for a kiss and 50 cents for your soul -Marilyn Monroe

Cinespace with my girlies

Steve and I are EFFIN RAD!

Me With Some Random @ MetaL SkooL

Mansion Party

Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.

we often don't talk to strangers. why?
we can gain so much.
even if it is just a smile.
say hi to a stranger and tell them to have a great day.
is that truly gonna hurt?
triple dog dare you.


Music Is My

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I'm addicted to Music.
ALL KINDS ....Indie, Old Skool Rap, Hip Hop, R&B, Pop, Alternative, Rock, 80's , YES AND EVEN COUNTRY...
TIm McGraw makes me Cream HAHHA.....
oh and i cherish all the Disney songs in my heart forever and always.

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Im A REality Show Whore



My Blog

If You Want

Saturday, June 28, 2008 If You Want If you want to be interesting, be interested. If you want to be heard, listen.If you wish to truly learn, teach. If you would like to be wealthy, be generous. If ...
Posted by [♥]...TainteDesirE...[♥] on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 02:54:00 PST

im praying for you daddy.

If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.   If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.   He sends you flowers every spring.   He sends you a sunrise every morning F...
Posted by [♥]...TainteDesirE...[♥] on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 10:02:00 PST


It doesnt interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your hearts longing. It doesnt interest me how old you are.  I want to know ...
Posted by [♥]...TainteDesirE...[♥] on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:29:00 PST

The Value Within...

The value withinThere is a vast storehouse of value within you that is waiting to be unlocked. Every now and then you catch a glimpse of it, and even those brief encounters can truly amaze you.So how ...
Posted by [♥]...TainteDesirE...[♥] on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 07:54:00 PST


Give meaningWhat can you do to give this day meaning that will extend far beyond your own concerns? How can you live so as to make something beautiful and valuable flow out from you and into the lives...
Posted by [♥]...TainteDesirE...[♥] on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 10:17:00 PST


BE SELFLESS!!!!!!!! DO YOU REMEMBER THE SPIRIT OF GIVING?!?!!?To my dear Friends,As the winter months roll in... many of us get sidetracked by planning for the holidays. Figuring out what we want and ...
Posted by [♥]...TainteDesirE...[♥] on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 02:45:00 PST

Instructions For Life

  Good Karma This is a nice reading, but short. Enjoy! This is what The Dalai Lama has to say for 2006. All it takes is a few seconds to read and think over. This is true for all  even if you ar...
Posted by [♥]...TainteDesirE...[♥] on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 10:17:00 PST

beauty is everywhere.

JUST OPEN YOUR EYES.                                                 ...
Posted by [♥]...TainteDesirE...[♥] on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 07:42:00 PST

a way of LIFE

a way of LIFE A mantra by the Dalai Lama:Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you results. Activity consumes time. Productivity frees it.Don't ask yourself why life is so complicated. Stop a...
Posted by [♥]...TainteDesirE...[♥] on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 02:49:00 PST


FREEZE You'Re UndeR ARrEST!!! i have handcuffs... and i know how to use them... Sat Nite... "Mansion PartY" at The P's... haha Nikki and I Blowing Kisses       Nick and ...
Posted by [♥]...TainteDesirE...[♥] on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 12:36:00 PST