Joe profile picture


A future alcoholic me thinks

About Me

Right decided my old 'about me' writings were a little...shit, so i've decided to update them.I live in sunny Sheffield, city of dreams, city of steel.I love this city, it amazes me daily, am proud of where I'm from it has loads going for it, it's just a shame not very many people realise it yet...I'm sure they will one day.Put it this way...if it wasn't for Sheffield we may not have won the war and football wouldn't be the national game! Plus they'd be no such thing as Licorice Allsorts or Stainless steel, alot is owed to us, and while we layed in the background inventing things to change the world cities like manchester and Leeds took presedence...well guess what, Sheffield's closing the gap...and fast! Give us another 10years and then we'll see whos 'better' for want of a better word.I currently work for a bank, part of one of the largest banking and financial groups in Europe and I have to say I am fantastic at my job, it's just a shame I kinda hate the fucking thing! I won't be there for much longer tho...I hope.My best mate Nic and I have created a TV show which we'd both love to get made, called Jonikversal TV, an interesting project to say the least, but made up of pure genious! I can't say too much about it because I'd have to kill my pet helper monkey Roderick and Nic will probably get put back in prison for his on TV drug induced rage, me i'd just sit here eating pies, doing nothing while my linford christie like motabalism keeps me thin.Have a few future plans up my sleeve, may move to America to work or learn, haven't decided yet, may become a croupier, aparently I'd be good what with a counting background and banking background, plus I have always wanted to do it after seeing the Birds of a Feather 1996 christmas special, those were the days!Have had a rough few months, I suppose, but have got through it all, and you know what I actually feel refreshed, I just need to find some direction in life, but I'm sure time will help me find my way. I just hope it's sooner rather than later cus I get bored really quickly and may have to start eating my own face! Two picture slideshow is below but if ya wanna closer look click on pics link, obviously, I also have some videos too...amazing! You lucky lucky lucky people!!!!

My Interests

Music, theatre, films, acting, script writing, socialising, drinking...mostly heavily

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Enya, Spice Girls (Together and Seperate), Nat King Cole, Har Mar Superstar, Dusty Springfield, Take That, Lemon Jelly, Wham!, Michael Jackson, Kate Bush, Cyndi Lauper, Scissor Sisters, S Club, Texas, Alison Moyet, Goldfrapp, Plus others, loads and loads of others!


Death Becomes Her .. (or anything with Meryl Streep in) V for Vendeta, Ducktales Treasure of The Lost Lamp, The Matrix Trilogy too many to mention!!!


Prison Break, Desperate Housewives, Lost, Oz, Bad Girls, Family Guy, Doctor Who, Baywatch (A classic!) ..


The Meryl Streep Story


My Grandad (God rest his soul) and Meryl Streep

My Blog

Jordan And Peter Reviews on Amazon- Funny as Fuck

163 of 170 people found the following review helpful: A blessing, 28 Dec 2006 Reviewer: Mr. S. M. Low - See all my reviews    I feel that we are truly blessed to exist on the same planet...
Posted by Joe on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 06:06:00 PST

some funny or just generally good video's

Batman. I almost died with laughter! - tman-weed.swf Be Happy - Argos Prank call- http://w...
Posted by Joe on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 11:06:00 PST

Sexuality Test

This is the result of my sexuality test...     My score on The Sexuality Spectrum Test:Bi/Slightly Gay(You scored -4 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely stra...
Posted by Joe on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 03:29:00 PST

Things I love

Being out of my comfort zone even tho sometimes it scares the shit out of me and I start to shiver out of fear That feeling you get when your walking down the street and you feel really good about you...
Posted by Joe on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 11:16:00 PST

Celebraties I, Aparently, Look Like

If only it were true!      ...
Posted by Joe on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 01:42:00 PST

Some weird survey

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:JoeBirthday:6th MayBirthplace:SheffieldCurrent Location:HomeEye Color:GreenHair Color:BrownHeight:5' 10"Right Handed or Left Handed:Left (PLEASE DON'T BURN ME I...
Posted by Joe on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 05:50:00 PST