Trash Fashion - RAVE DAVE
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Skream, Spankrock, Happy Mondays, Diplo, M.I.A., Hollertronix,The Postal Service, Nancy Sinatra, The Long Blondes, Stereolab,The Klaxons, Stereo Total, The Pipettes, Depeche Mode, New Order, The Streets, Aphex Twin,Thunderball, Alex Reece, Joy Division( Looooooooooovee, loveee will tear us apaaart agaain), Thievery Corporation, Barrington Levy,Artic MOnkeys, Italodisco,Facto delafe, Cut Chemist,Dj Shadow,Dj Kentaro, Death in Vegas, Dj Yoda, Dubstep, Hot Chip, D & B, Favela Funk,Ragga, nEw rAvE, aCiD hOuSe, Uffie, Bee Gees, Raggajungle, 80,s music...and more...and more
Grease,Baraka,All about Eve, El viaje de Chihiro, Out of Ãfrica, Akira, American Psyco,Lost in Translation,Singing in the rain or An American in Paris...( musicals...), Clokers, Beat Street,Srek...
Ummmmmmmmmm...I don..t know
I. Allende, U.Eco, One hundred years of solitude,(G.GarcÃa Márquez), The talented Mr. Ripley ( P.Highsmith), Beatriz y los cuerpos celestes(LucÃa Etxebarria), Metamorfosis( F. Kafka),Neruda, Becquer, Washington Irving,Alan Poe,Milo Manara, Mystery novels (like the writer H. Mankell)...