Michael Persinger
http://video. google. com/videoplay?docid=-5011230863803398434how far down the rabbit hole do you really want to go!?Full Feature Film: “What the Bleep Do We Know!?â€
NufffRespect"Left/Right Paradigm Video"on Alex Jones Tv!! http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=LWMfG7zQdBk
The President's Guide to Science
Stem cells
Nuclear bombs
Horizon asks some of the biggest names in science to have a quiet word with the new president, be it Obama or McCain, in the Presidents Guide to Science. The United States president is quite simply the most powerful man on earth, but they often know little about science. That's a problem when the decisions they make will affect every one of us, from nuclear proliferation to climate change. To help the new president get to grips with this intimidating responsibility some of the world's leading scientists, from Dawkins to Watson, share some crucial words of advice.
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Karma is timeless has no statute of limitations and although; one can live a life as if running through the rain drops avoiding the ramification of their actions. Karma always makes sure that you either pay/receive that which your actions create.