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About Me

First of all, I have a handsome little boy named Logan. He was born Nov 1st 2007. He is the best thing that could have happened to me. This is coming from someone who NEVER wanted kids, now I wouldn't trade him for anything. Words can not describe the feeling you get once you have a child in your life. He has changed my life in so many ways. He is so much like his daddy, but looks like his mommy. I enjoy every minute I can with him. My dream is to be a stay at home mom one day.Drace and I got married Sept of 2006. It was my fairy tale wedding. We went to Puarta Vallerta on our honeymoon. Which was a blast. I enjoy spending time with my family and my in-laws. That is one thing that I am greatful for....I have great in-laws. They are so nice and always nice spending time with them.I LOVE to travel. In April of 09' I am going on a cruise 8 days, 7 nights and all the sun I can get. Most of my traveling happens with my family. We have been to London, Paris, Belgium, Amsterdamn, and New Orleans. I have gone to New York and Las Vegas with my in-laws. I hoep to see many more places.

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