I'd like to meet:
Anyone interested to be one of my friends, someone that can be trusted. friends.... old friends.... new friends.... more friends.....
Thank you for visiting my profile, don't forget to add a comment before leaving!!! dIs Is Da WoRlD oP dYeRi Da PoGi !?!dIs Is Da WoRlD oP dYeRi Da PoGi !?!
I love alternative rock, from Nirvana's "The Man who sold the World" to Green Day's "Basket case". I also like love songs when i'm meditating..
Suspense Thriller, Action Adventure, Martial Arts Movies, romance with sense and Sci-Fi. Among of those are LOTR, Gladiator, Mission Impossible 1 and 2, I am Sam, For Love of the Game, Jerry Maguire, Passion of the Christ and many more
Charmed, Smallville, Buffy, American Idol, Extreme Games, NBA, PBA, National Geographic, Fear Factor, Wrestling, News and Current Affairs Shows
I am not fun of Reading, I hate reading ...... sowee
hmmm ....op kors no ader dan ME and still ME .... hehehedYeRi dA pOgI !!??!! dYeRi dA pOgI !!??!!