AbbiEGurL profile picture


Pinoy Balik Bayans? Invest in Premier Real Estates! Email me: [email protected]

About Me - Myspace Layouts

I'm a working freak, lovin my job day by day. So busy, pressured yet anticipating fulfillment in no time. Miss my family, so homesick, and unhappily in-love :cNonetheless, i'm kicking good. Love may not be for me at the moment, but i'm sure things happen on it's perfect timing.Add me up;pPinoy Balikbayans, who may want to buy premier distinguished high-end properties back in their hometown... I'd be so pleased to assist u. Contact me: [email protected]

My Interests

DoGs, MoOn, CoNsTeLlAtIoNs, RaIn, MuSiC, DaNcIn MoVeS, BeAUTy, InTeLLiGeNcE, PhIlOsOpHy, GoOd InSpIrAtIoNaL ArTiClEs, PoEtRy, EtHiCAl FiAScOS, LAuGhTeRs, Old PReCiOuS FriEnDs, NaTuRe, PhOtOgRaPhy (lOtS O' DeM!)

I'd like to meet:

bUnCh oF peOpLe wHo'D cOnVinCE Me MoRe tHaT LiFe iS trULY wORth LiVinG aMidSt The sTormS tHaT CoMes eVeRy SPeeDy SeConD


CeNtErSTaGe, MoUlin, I Am SaM, PaY iT FoRwArD, 18th AngEL, OrIGiNaL SiN, GeT ovEr It, BrinG It On, DAgOnFlY, UnFaItHFuL, EnOuGh, ThE FaMiLY MaN, WoMaN On ToP (Hmmm, WaT Elz,,There R Lotz O' ThEm!)


MaGz, ReAdErS DiGeSt, PoCkEtBoOkS (cOnTEmPoRaRy Or ClAsSiCaL), DiCtIoNaRy (BeLiEvE iT or Not!), My Own JoUrNaL, And AnYtHiN ThAt InTeResTs My MoOd!

My Blog

Pinoy Crosscutting

  Naforward lang sakin toh...kakabilib talaga pinoy! Weheh!     Registered nurse si Maria sa States. Kasama nya angkanyang ina nanagpagamot din doon. Namatay ang ina nito. Dahil...
Posted by AbbiEGurL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Galing toh ke Claire (Just wna blog it down)

30 Things Guys Want Girls To Know!! 1. We're not as perverted as you think we all are. 2. No matter what YOU say, your ex-boyfriend IS a LOSER. 3. We like you to give us hugs and kis...
Posted by AbbiEGurL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Lately Lately, I have had the strangest feeling With no vivid reason here to find Yet the thought of losing you's been hanging 'round my mind Far more frequently you're wearing perfume With you say no...
Posted by AbbiEGurL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Notice me Take my hand Why are we Strangers when Our love is strong Why carry on without me? Everytime I try to fly I fall without my wings I feel so small I guess I need you baby ...
Posted by AbbiEGurL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Rock my world

A Woman's Worth by Alicia Keys oooh...tell you about a woman....woman... tell you about a woman...hmmm... You can buy me diamonds and buy me pearls Take me on a cruise around the world ...
Posted by AbbiEGurL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST