Lala profile picture


You make me wanna LA LA

About Me

Call me passionate, impulsive, spontaneous, a hopeless romantic.I want to protect what's most important - family, friends, relationships. I ahve to find that balance in my life. That's something I've been struggling right now.I really love to dance. I'm not a drinker so I don't let my anxieties out in that way. But I really love to go out and hear great music and just let loose. I don't get to do it too much.I'm not SUPERWOMAN or anything. I have lot of interests, though, and I get very passionate about each thing I do. I want to be totally involved with it make sure that I make everything right. When you care about things, you don't really care if you're tired. You just kind of give it your all.My personal life? People will say what they will and deduce what they want, but I have to protect myself. It just gets crazy and beyond your control. Sometimes I have to draw my lines for my own kind of sanity and peace. It's important coz it just doesn't feel good when people have the wrong idea about you.WE just think of difficult people as sandpaper. They may rub US and scratch US painfully but eventually, WE END UP SMOOTH and the sandpaper worn out! (",)Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com

Myspace Layouts at / Cute hearts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the next American ROCKSTAR!!! :)


THE NOTEBOOK, Mean Girls, Spiderman 2, View from the top


The Illuminatus Trilogy-- Hard to read, I started it several times, and it kept my paranoia risin'..., ) and anythin about professional values.. (why kaya???)


Ahh...the professor that made my life miserable...she wretched my dreams and all...hehehe:) that devil! without her, I won't be able to defend my thesis...hmmm who else? DR. REMEDIOS CHING (a.k.a. "dean ching") She is the reason I think. AND Yes, my Dad. Mi padre. Candong. He is my hero for the most obvious reasons. He is the source of to everything in my life. He can also fix anything, do everything and is not afriad of anything. He is the reason I live and spend (especially spend!)

My Blog


1.1st time you tried smoking::: 3rd yr H.S. 2. 1st alcoholic drink you had::: Lambanog (bubble gum flavor) 3. 1st time you entered a bar::: 1st yr. H.S. 4. 1st award you received::: Quiz Bee champion ...
Posted by Lala on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


START - Current Clothes: vintage red shirt & RL denim shorts (same as Pauls) - Current Mood: hmm&pressured! - Current Music: NINA Live CD - Current Taste: rhum cake - Current Make-up: none (j...
Posted by Lala on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST