Mierte profile picture


I'm dislexic so speak at high speed

About Me

skip the first part, yes I am a Canadian Visual Artist living in Montreal,
and I am in love with you.
This last thursday, Mierte picked up a paint brush and painted live!
This 6 foot x 4 foot canvas began at 5pm, and finished by about 1 am. It was a good size for everyone to see...
Next time, worms will be added, haha...
June 12th chez l'Ambroisie, 4030 st.Ambroise on the terrace out back...Click on my pics ...see the dust, the drawings, the hungry soul!  

The official website is: http://www.iconn.ca  
Merchandise: http://www.iconn.ca/prints.html
prints for 10$ on thick paper...
.. ..

My Interests

playing in traffic, like a bike messenger!

I'd like to meet:

Problem Solvers...This drawing nor the previous new ones,
are on display yet, but if you scroll down you will notice I have other stuff to see!

PIPE LINE is CLOSING!... so Mierte is comming down, o well, future shows, to be anounced!
87 and 89 St Catherine East, in Montreal.

Yeah, this is the night before the hanging ...it's not on the website, but it's at the PIPELINE!



i just
rediscovered Frank Zappa's "you can't do that on Stage Anymore, Vol 5". It embodies Zappa: conventional/traditional music, accompanied with absurd abstracted sounds! An example would be using the cluck of a chicken, and validating it as any other sound from a musical instrument.
So Basically the lead singer clucks in various tones and emphasis, to the sweet melody of a piano sonata by mozart...and coriographed of course, performed by all the band members, i can only imagine!
My favorite song is chocolate Halvah...it sounds like an odd klezmer wedding march where the band forgot to bring their Clarinet, so instead, they had to fill in for the instrument, by whinning the part with their voices!


not much of a movie goer, I just close my eyes and the natural remedy of a movie unfolds in my head...last night? after the zappa CD, I watched a love story by Nick Cave. It was about two lovers who separate, but agree to meet one another at the gate. Sure enough they meet, after such a long time, but before passing through the gate, to the garden, they take a final stroll down the street...The misery of the world unfolds, with mention of how beautiful his woman looked, in the rising heat of the cracking pavement. Teary!...anyways, they live happily ever after.


French Television is the best! Their sense of drama is witty, with a tweest. I haven't watched TV in over a month but here's an example: A regular nightime TV series, where a telephone argument develops.... A courrier company, and the chick we loooove, 'cause we've seen her alot, she's in every other scene!!! so, WE sympathize with her, OKAY?! the terrible COURRIER COMPANY announces there have been some complications within the wherabouts of her expected 'VERY IMPORTANT PACKAGE!' "OH NO!", (is this not endearing?)
Expecting her to cry, or at least,
at least, create a chaotic scene...: for the need and the delivery of this PACKAGE!" i dunno, i'm a newby but...What did she do??! .... she started to bark... Bark...Barking! in the phone!
like one of those little dogs?! Loudly
I was flabergasted because i'm-not going-to-say-I-am-a-conservative-Anglo!
But this is a FIRST, and it really made me beleive that,
all women should be proud to bark on TV, PROFFESSIONALLY. At least, ...once in their career &nbsp:
For this, I raise my glass, because the female french characters, are cool.
ASWELL AS, for the little kiddie show: with a mummy-in-a-monkey-suit, and her sweet demeanor. Her voice kind of sang...Forgive me, but they don't dress like the english, I swear, it's like they're mentally attached to this secret borg of fashion somewhere floating in TV land!
And that's why they all dress the same?!
I'm no hippy nor am I a neat-friek, and my neighbor is not my fashion twin! The french dress weird, and should I say, with an eccentric authenticity! the french can make pom poms and fish net stalkings look conservative, because it's possible!
Characters portraying high positions with big bucks at high stakes, please? Am, I to beleive their lights shine brighter than mine?
Close-up addicts, oooh, the the perfect face. ooo i wish i had nipples like HIM, Christ this is not healthy!
Once again, French Television? THERE IS no hint, of ANY stylist present! Okay, once?, I saw an Oprah-like talk show, where the ministers junky-daughter did indeed look clean and baithed, which might have been, most probably, pre-organized, but she wore a baggy turtle neck sweater that didn't expose even a hint of cleevage...or punctures in the veins, what do you want? it's THEIR STORY! This is not a culture reliant on vanity! needless to say... (((sorry, I am am swaying the cause of the solution here)))),
this is important history to take into account, the barking, I mean, Quebecers are the phylistines who crossed over from France, where they still roam the beaches topless today! AND IT's NOT A BiG DEAL...
French TV is comforting because of how they bear themsleves, french women, aren't really fi-fied out. They're more likely to evoke REAL reaction, surprising reactions, like something else other than their remarkable physical TITS, which should instead simply, accentuate this outstanding attitude....Like the, uh, barking like a little yappy dog! Damn THAT's TALENTED.
So yeay! to french TV...Je suis Quebecain!


i got a calendar


Zappa, nick Cave, Iggy, and Emilie Desjardins

My Blog

the song story

It's so hot and muggy, my think tank goes something like this:   One of the wicked, wearing just an old Mao Tse-tung robe, slumped himself on a beat up depressed couch. He reached down to g...
Posted by Mierte on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 12:50:00 PST