Experimental music and/or movies, depending on my mood which is changing periodically...
Right now ? Positive people who enjoy life. Gotta have some points in common. Feel free to drop me a line, I'll respond.
Note: About my "Top 24", as you can see, I only put BANDS from Overseas or South America in that section so don't feel bad if you're not there. Some people REALLY take it personally.
COPROFAGO , RAM-ZET , ZOAR AND INTRODUCING TO-MERA are on the VERY TOP of my CD collection. Personally, I think they represent the intelligentsia of metal (and in Zoar's case, experimental ambient). No less. If you think that my list misses something, please tell me. I LOVE to discover new things. But if a band has no identity, no originality, I don't want any part of it. Metal is getting less and less interesting for me. It's usually the same old thing again and again. I'm not interested in hearing the 8th generation clone of Cannibal Corpse or Deicide. Anyway those 2 bands are not even here. So my list goes something like this (Underlined names = I have seen them in concert) :
A Murder of Angel,
Angels of Venice,
Arch Enemy,
Arvo Part,
Band of Pain,
Bathory (RIP Quorthon),
Behemoth - if you haven't seen them in concert, you're NOT A REAL METALHEAD
Bel Canto (Norway),Some of theses movies may not be perfect but they have other qualities: Sometimes they're just technically impressive (sound, cinematography, CGI, etc.) Some others are just a big 2 hours long video clip. A History of Violence, Adaptation, After Hours, Almost Famous, American History X, American Psycho, Amores Perros, AVP, Back to the Futur, Baraka, Batman Begins, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Blue Velvet, Braveheart, Bullworth, Careful, Cheech & Chong Next Movie, Coffee and Cigarettes, C.R.A.Z.Y., Dark City, Dawn of the Dead, Dazed and Confused, Desperado, Domino, Donnie Darko (well, anything Richard Kelly so far...), Downfall, El Mariachi, Equilibrium, Eraserhead, Evil Dead, Falling Down, Fargo, Fast Time at Ridgemont High, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Fight Club, Fireworks, Garden State, Ghost World, Gladiator, Grand Canyon, Groundhog Day, Hellraiser, Ichi the Killer, Jekyll & Hyde... Together Again, L.A. Story, Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amlie Poulin, Lost Highway, Lost in Translation, Magnolia, Man Bites Dog (C'est Arrive pres de Chez Vous), Memento, Ong-Bak; The Thai Warrior, Pi, Rabbit-Proof Fence, Requiem for a Dream, Resident Evil, River's Edge, Run Lola Run, Saw, Se7en, Shaun of the Dead, Sixteen Candles, Snatch, Spun, The Boys Next Door, The Crow, The Game, The Incredibles, The Iron Giant, The Machinist, The Naked Gun (funniest movie EVER), The Ring, The Silence of the Lamb, The Terminator, The Usual Suspects, Thirteen Conversations About One Thing, True Romance, Until the End of the World, V for Vendetta, Weird Science, Wild at Heart, Wings of Desire. There's TONS MORE but it'll come later...
Short film, musical performance, animation, etc. Scripted : 24, The Simpsons, Family Guy, CSI (the original), Seinfeld, South Park, The Hour, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, etc... Documentary : Nature, science, historical and geographical. Anything to some degree and for a very short period of time EXCEPT that idiotic "reality" tv. Honestly people, does anybody really watch that stupid crap ???
Le Parfum. That's it ! No time to read for now, maybe later.
Heroes ? Who wants that ? Some people I DO respect tho, are James Randi and Albert Jacquard. There are others but those two are high on the list.