AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHH, after a few years under the name of Silhouette I found out that there is another band with the same name and they are from the Netherlands as well.... Check them out and expect a change of name from my part in the near future. If someone has an idea for a cool name: let me know!!!Sorry for my inactivity of late, I've been busy with a lot of other music projects. I've been working a lot for my band Dear Watson. Making demos, writing songs, practice and doing some gigs. Besides that I've broadened my musical horizons by making some not-metal songs! I'll be sure to post them here, it's kinda cool to have the opportunity to make such differing songs!
Anyways, my Silhouette project is a bit inactive, but there are some great ideas going on in my head: I tried to record some violin with one of my brothers and it went pretty good, so that opens a lot of new doors!
And now for the real bio... ;)
While on holiday in summer 2002 I got the idea to compose songs to make a concept album. Wrote some lyrics and the music. But as time flew by and I got older and a bit better in writing music, I wrote new songs, much better than the old and so now I use almost nothing of my old material...
So now I have enough songs for a whole album, but no lyrics/singer. And there is a lot of synth programming left to do. So the album still has to wait but here are some demo's to give an idea.
Please be so kind and leave a comment, I'd appreciate it very much to hear some feedback!