Marek "Siekierka" Sieroszewski was born in Wroclaw (Poland) in 1980.
He played drums for the first time when he was 8 year old boy. He explored
secrets of playing drums in Wroclaw's Community Center "Swiatowid" under
supervision of well known and highly valued drummer Jurek Laba as well as in the
Wroclaw's 2nd Stage Music College.
Marek used to cooperate with such bands as: Blade Loki (PL),F.F.O.D(PL), Maleo Reggae
Rockers (PL), Ejectes (FR),Wall-e K.A.S.T.A (PL), Funny Hippos with whom he was nominated to Polish
Music Award "Fryderyk" in the category of hard & heavy album.
During all these years Marek's carrier was head more and more for reggae
music to reach current position of a drummer co-creating the best Polish bands
of this genre such as Tumbao, Tumbao Riddim Band, Managga, Bakshish. Nowadays
many people consider "Siekierka" as the best reggae drummer in Poland! One of
the key support to say that is a fact, that since 2006 he is a drummer of
the most famous and oldest Polish reggae band Bakshish, being on stage more
than 20 years now.
Presently "Siekierka" finished recording of a debut album with Managga band
and he is permanently playing gigs all over Poland and abroad. Marek is also
being invited to take part into studio's recording sessions as a session
musician as well as he co-creates production duet with Radoslaw Ciurko "EMZK",
with whom he records riddims for "Siodemki" label.Mark proudly endorses Istanbul Mehmet cymbals.