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Radio Perfecto EP
also at iTunes and most online retailers.
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We have just received the absolutely incredible self-titled cd " Goodfinger". Certainly will be popular around here, Passionate Rock is definitely part we do the best. I was blown away by their cd, great to hear music dripping with passion, experience and a quirky sound . The sound is engaging, mesmerizing, haunting and holds you with it's story and composition and the incredible voice of Miss Scrappy Calloway. Not pretentious just good honest rocking music, exactly what we want for our listeners.
Peter Merrett, PBS FM Radio, Melbourne, Australia
Tonight's excitement was encapsulated in Goodfinger, a raw and raunchy N.Y.C. band. It is always an event at Esquires when we get an international visitor to our humble abode but when they are as charming, polite and witty (let alone so knowledgeable about the English guitar scene) it is doubly appreciated.
Their sound owes a lot to various bands, as well as an almost Hispanic Latin-American feel on the early part of 'Cracking Up' before infusing into that familiar N.Y.C. new wave sound. At it's end Johnny lights another cigarette, just like his last half-dozen it just hangs limply from his lips while Scrappy deftly removes her jacket and this chanteuse shimmys
in her sparkly top and she seductively closes in on her mic, her dusky eyes flickering before she clings to the microphone. Needless to say the song is 'Love Digitale'. It seems as if Esquires has for one evening only been transformed into CBGBs.
'Radio Perfecto' finds Goodfinger in a rather retro mood before closing song 'Sounds of the City' has a full on proto Stooges undercurrent surging through the guitars and drums.
To great applause these native New Yorkers were off to catch their plane back home.
A real pleasure to meet and listen to. When Tom Verlaine (of Television) heard them live he described the sound of Goodfinger as 'the future of New York music'. How can I possibly disagree with a legend?
Martin Stapleton, Bedford Esquires club, Bedford, UK
...what an EP.. full of energy,charactor, and the sort of style that just ooze's for MORE... Loved the track ' Radio Perfecto'. We have added the CD to our playlists. Great Work
Graham J Barclay,
Soundwave FM, New Zealand
Scrappy’s voice is hard to ignore in a kitschy way that many will love...., but her ability to craft a memorable song is undeniable. Personally, I love her voice, the lyrics stand-up and the music is palatable. Of the other people in the band, the drummer stands out the most. On “Outside†Calloway’s vocals, which are strangely similar to Beth Gibbon’s (of Portishead you dumb ass), carry a feel good tune about feeling bad. “Lovebleed†gives you everything the title suggests, a romantic tune you surely can’t resist.
In a nutshell: Goodfinger write simple pop songs that you won’t feel gay for rocking out to. Definitely a hot band to keep your eye on in ‘07. As for which international city will spawn the new hotness? If Goodfinger have anything to say about it, it won’t have anything to do with LonONErs.
We can't ignore a band with a lead singer called Scrappy Calloway and it's a bonus that we fell in love with her voice the second we heard it. Goodfinger from New York play thier debut London show at Bar Rumba tonight and we're going to go along to see if the band deliver the goods live as they do on MySpace and ReverbNation
“we listen to it on the way in, and on the way home. We can’t take it out of the CD playerâ€
Radio X -FM, NY
Goodfinger mixes up a bunch of musical influences into a pot, stirs it up and comes out with a very unique sound...they combine to make a collection of strong, radio friendly songs....produced by Andy Chase, the unique vocal style of Scrappy Calloway shines through on every track...and is backed up with a great guitar and rhythym section.
'Outside' has a great, late 70's vibe...'Radio Perfecto' has a definite latin feel...The Rhythym section finds a hypnotic groove on 'Love Digitale' as the bass and drum beat lull you into a really trippy vibe
while the guitar and vocals build to a couple of amazing climaxes during the song. The final cut 'I know I know you' combines all the elaments in this eclectic musical recipe and caps an excelent EP.
Bottom line
on Goodfinger is that I'm anxiously waiting their next set of songs.
James Rushmore, Inside Connection Magazine, April 2007
“an unbelievably hot singer that can definitely sing. They have that Somethingâ€!
Kurt Tietjen, President , Inside Connection Magazine
New York cool fairly drips off this five song EP…
To be honest, their sound is fresh enough that no easy comparisons come to mind….
….with brash 70’s AM radio gloss. It’s very sexy stuff, the perfect soundtrack for intercontinental non-stop flights with coke snorting supermodels on board ………"Radio Perfecto" reaching deepest into the pleasure centers. Classy stuff.
Wonderful alternative music on this 5 song EP. You'll be hearing from me, as I bug you for more music in the future!
Mike Lidskin, Twirl Radio, Sacramento
“the reviews are in, it really is the future of New York music“
Fearless Radio, Chicago.
Miss Scrappy Calloway leads her boys through a furious cabaret styled rock outfit backed with whaling guitars. Scrappy's vocals have a dark, sexy, and glammy new-wave edge to them that sounds terrific on your stereo.
Goodfinger is damn excellent. You've seen 'em perform at Snitch, and the drummer moonlights there as a DJ,
you'll definitely want to put this one down as a band to see!
“Outtasight! The songs are big and loud and weird, part slinky rock n' roll cabaret….. that range from the full-throttle blooze-pop n' roll of
"Ball and Chain" to the pomp-ed up "All in the Game".
Fronted by the irrepresible Scrappy GOODFINGER sound captures influences from catchy pop to more ethereal dark influences such as The Cure and Concrete Blonde. Recommended!
‘a hot Female vocalist, a Hendrix-influenced guitarist, a Lennon look-alike bassist, and the hottest rock DJ-in-NYC as a drummer. Do you feel that you guys might be a mini NYC all star rock band’?
Radio Perfecto EP
also at iTunes and most online retailers.