DJ CYCLOP REVOLUTION profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Stuff dealer and truck driver for THE SCALPERS (best belgian garage band from Barchon City, RIP !). Founder in mid 90's of the fabulous DJ DISCOUILLE 2000 project with Lord Brondoit (unlikely meeting between Patrick Topaloff, walloons singers, Carine et Rebecca and The Rubettes...). Very strange happenings at La Planète Interdite (Liège), La Zone (Liège), café La Renaissance (Barchon), fête de St-Remy, Festival de Dour (thanx Gérard), after party with Rémy Bricka, "Vivement Dimanche" (Halles de Schaerbeek, thanx Bouli), Festival de Kanne de Belgique (2000)... Co-founder of DJ CYCLOP REVOLUTION, oldschool records mix for r'n'r gigs and freaks parties, with the same Lord Brondoit (aka Cop Killer). Performed in several places of Tox City (Le Surlet, La Zone, Le Pot-au-Lait, Soundstation, Festival Rock et Amour en Wallonie, Phoenix Club (after party with Peter Pan Speedrock), l'Escalier (after Triggerfinger and Les Anges), Inside Out Club, in my bathroom for the 15th August in Outremeuse...). Activist in "THE CHAMOIS", a dangerous gang of sunday hikers screaming terrifyings "YOUP ! YOUP !" when they're lost, happy, or just killing some fucking Double Sticks (no mercy). My interests : rock'n'roll (guitar! guitar! guitar!), my girlfriend, friends, cycling (dope not reserved for rockers), books, art, hiking, nature, restaurants... and my Stray Cats Miroux and Shaman.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Only Pouille (already done)



Deniz Tek, Jacques Anquetil, and Madame Kerger (first teacher,first love)