Dana profile picture


So I says to Mabel, I says...

About Me

Well geesh...this is a lot of pressure to come up with something really insightful and awesome about myself. I don't do well under pressure...so this is what I came up with while I'm sitting at work doing a whole lot of nothing. I used to have something up here about my love of really great packaging and how I could watch the opening credits of Seven over and over again...but since I have nothing new or exciting about me...this will just have to do. So there.

My Interests

I'm a brand new mom...so my main interest is my baby girl...she's awesome all the time...even at 3AM...I'm a big fan of high fives...down with handshakes up with high fives. Oohhh...and Jello. And my dogs...gotta love the pugs, Carl and Lenny.

I'd like to meet:

I want to find all the lost people from the past. I don't have anyone on my list that I don't know. I pass tons of people I don't know on the street and have zero inclination to add them to my buddy list...so why should I be a people collector?Awesome people that I know or used to know...or who think I look like someone they dated once.


Alternative stuff, soft spot for bad eighties music...and I might dance around in my underpants to bad teenybopper stuff...but that's our secret.


Trainspotting, Requiem for a Dream, Fight Club, Seven, Spun, Alice in Wonderland, Willy Wonka, Amelie, Waynes World I, Pulp Fiction, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Stigmata, The Emporers New Groove, the first half of Full Metal Jacket, Clerks, The Virgin Suicides, Happenstance, Kids, Office Space, Happiness, I collect DVDs...so there is a lot more but just like when I'm standing in the Best Buy staring at all of the DVD shelves, my mind blanks and that's why I have two copies of Friday.


I have this hidden 50's housewife persona...so HGTV is always on in the background. I love anything that supplies useless information...DIY, Discovery, TLC, The History Channel. And I tend to get sucked into those awful movies on Lifetime. I miss Six Feet Under...but my new HBO obsession is Big Love, it's fascinating.


Anything by Irvine Welsh or Chuck Palahniuk, and I love "Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West" so I know what was really going on in Oz. I collect Alice in Wonderland stuff too...and if there was a fire I would try to get out "The Annotated Alice". Ooohhh...and Mary Roach...she wrote "Stiff" and it was awesome. I've also been dragged into the world of Harry Potter...and to think I made so much fun of all of the yuppies who came into my bookstore and bought the books when they first came out...mental apology for thinking you all needed a pacifier and your blankie.


The word hero is overused in this day and age. You breathe out correctly and you're a damn hero. I like the sandwich kind. I'll be my own hero, thank you very much.

My Blog

Vikki is making me make you take this survey.

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 5. Describe me in one word. 6. What was your first impression o...
Posted by Dana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

La De Da

So I did end up getting that internship...and it sounds like it is going to rule. So I'm hoping while I'm there that I can kiss enough asses and suck enough dick to get them to offer me a job once I ...
Posted by Dana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Buying a business suit....

So I got an interview...and it's tomorrow. And in my nervousness, I dropped $300 bucks on a new business suit....but damnit, I look good in the thing. God bless the girl at the Limited...if it weren...
Posted by Dana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Internship Hell

So I have to do an internship during my fall semester, and I have to take a special internship class then too. But I have to get the internship now to be able to get in the class. It's so stupid. B...
Posted by Dana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST