"Life shrinks or expands
in proportion to one's courage." - Anais Nin
Never look down on another
unless you are giving him a hand up
The past is a memory.
The future is an expectation
Neither past nor future actually exist.
There is simply eternal Now.
You can only have expectations of yourself.
Expectations of others inevitably lead to dissappointment.
Time spent developing yourself is never wasted.
Don't waive your rights when you wave the flag. -Sage Francis paraphrased by Ruthay
I'm not a hippie. I'm a more of a buddhist.
Your Chances of Being Happy: 100%
Just keep doing what you're doing.
You are a creative thinker and an ethical person.
Money does not blind your sense of right and wrong.
Although money is necessary to move freely in the material plane
You realize that it is also an illusion and
not worth compromising your principles.
We are all inheritors of the vast treasures of unconditional love.