Cruel Iron Mountains profile picture

Cruel Iron Mountains

a.k.a. grausamer eisenberg

About Me

Grausamer Eisenberg is a project by davide of Japanese Gum. The songs were born between 1996 and the currently year; the oldies are changed and re-arranged: the first acoustic guitar ideas are now refreshed into delay'dronescapes and digital drumming, with introspective lyrics and distant voices.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/17/2006
Band Members: davaide.people who have played live sets with me: falaipo, paolis, puppis.
Influences: In no specific order: Music-My Bloody Valentine, Mark Lanegan, Christian Fennesz, Slowdive, Arab Strap, Matt Elliott, Joy Division, Nick Drake, Sparklehorse, Piano Magic, Massimo Volume, Shellac, cLOUDDEAD, Hood. Movies-Lost in translation, Dogville, Il vangelo secondo Matteo, Lost highways, Dead Man. Others-sea, mountaintops, Clouds, raindrops, teardrops (especially those that fall down at the end of a good film), communism, anti-fascism.
Sounds Like: I think something between shoegaze and electronic songwriting.
Record Label: who knows..perhaps mr.Casari...
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Ho scoperto di essere famoso e ammirato..tanto...a tal punto che c'è gente anche della mia città di vent'anni che spaccia foto per altro scattate dalla mia ragazza al sottoscritto per un occh...
Posted by Cruel Iron Mountains on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 01:00:00 PST