First of all... ROLL TIDE
I also love...
Sushi, Jack Daniels and Grand Theft Auto- San Andreas-not necessarly in that order or together. HA!I absolutely love music festivals. I don't care if I am working the festival or if I am there just as a fan-- festivals are so much fun!!I also love to camp and decompress in the mountains. Everybody needs to do that on occassion.
One more big thing- traveling!! As JB says, "I wonder where that drivers' bound, is there someone, somewhere, someway out there that I'm not found?"...
Your aura shines Red!
I am into all kinds of music- from Classical to Classic Rock however my favorites are---Widespread Panic, Railroad Earth, New Monsoon, Peter Rowan, Dave Grisman, Galactic, Col. Bruce and the Codetalers, the Dead and all the Dead side projects, Papa Mali, bluegrass, funk and southern rock... OH YEA- and I absoultely love Warren Haynes!!!
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